Friday, June 15, 2007

Is There Community?

The thing about me is I am pretty honest. My life is an open book. I trust almost everyone. My guard is rarely up. If you want to hurt me, it ain’t hard.

As many of you know, there was a hate site that outed many people. I never read the troll’s latest site (which thankfully was taken down) b/c I decided to not give a troll power over my happiness. Ignorance for me, by not reading her cruel words about my life, was bliss. I have good reason to believe that a lot of people, even some of my readers on this new blog, got a kick out of the troll’s blog. Apparently there’s something fascinating about watching a train wreck, especially if you’re not involved.

I guess this is human nature – intensely marinating in zeal when others are attacked or poked fun at? It makes me sad. It makes me wonder if there is such a thing as community. Perhaps I expect too much -- fierce loyalty is unfashionable or unsuitable.


Scorps1027 said...

sometimes community's a bitch.

i think you are extremely brave and open to share your life and thoughts with us readers.

i'ts sad that someone's jealousy and envy and hate can grow to such sick methods as an public blog. you're a rockstar for not viewing that second one!

in the end,i think truth always stands for itself while nonsense fades away.

Trollerboi said...

Hm Not sure if I agree. I did visit the site and yes, she seemed to "out" some people - but I can not imagine that required anything other than a stitching exercise across public data. Well, either that or the old adage from high school holds true, even in the interweb era, that when you have sex with someone, you're having sex with everyone that someone had sex with*. Either way, I do not think "outing" should be a matter of alarm.

That said, there was a great deal of malice in some of the troll's commentary and that was seriously disturbing. So I am sorry if you were hurt.

BTW there was an excellent show on this today by the
loverly Sook-Yin Lee on the DNTO . She was talking on the perils of being exposed online.

Bengali Chick said...

TB: you really don't know how she got her information and i do. so nope, she didn't find out info by looking at public data.

i hope no one ever "outs" you.

Esha said...

I'm glad you're back :)

I think that with watching a train wreck is that I do it out of concern, mostly to make sure no one is hurt and if they are, to pray for them. I think the same way intrigue sometimes gets the best of us. But in that sense I'm pretty similar to you. I'm really open with everyone and it's always worked to my disadvantage because people have always walked all over me; after which you'd think I'd change but I haven't. That's why I've never really tried to befriend a "community," just individuals. :)

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...