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Tired from the weekend activities

So hubby and I volunteered at Artwallah this weekend and it was tons of fun. My girl C joined in and she's super cool. I met her from my bookclub. You know someone is supercool when you can hang with them all day and they totally don't get on your nerves. She was just mad mellow and chill and rolled with the punches. She never even got irritated all day. Mad love to C. Back to Artwallah -- we showed up for volunteering at 7:30 AM and stayed there all day. Granted we took breaks throughout the day to get inebriated (@ one point C and I were getting boozed up during the evening show). My favoite performer was Falu -- her music is ridiculously off the hook and I have a serious girl crush on her. When she's performing you can tell that she's really into her music and into the groove -- I can't wait to buy her album. C, Hubby and I went to the afterparty but C and I were pretty wasted at this time (maybe I should stop projecting I was mad wasted at this time -- yes 2.5 drinks will get me boozed up). So we left pretty quickly b/c I needed to sleep.

I forgot to add that I ran into a fellow blogger @ Artwallah named Taz -- I read her blog pretty faithfully and she recognized me b/c the dress I wore was one that I posted on my blog. How effing small is the world??? Crazy, no? More importantly she seemed mad liberal which is very cool. All the desis I know are super conservative and quasi-lame -- I'm not running in the right circles. I didn't get a chance to hang with her much unfortunately, but hopefully next time!

Today we had Nigerian food at Veronica's Kitchen with a very fun lovin couple (one was Nigerian and the other was a Southern gal) -- I love seeing that kind of love that steps beyond prejuidice -- god bless love. The food was mad authentic according to our friend and tastey!!! Hubby and I were both in the most intense kind of food coma you can believe.

Now I'm off to bed -- to catch some z's and maybe something more.....

i like your use of "mad" in a positive way. gangsta ani.

It was awesome meeting you too!!! I love all these blogger connections in the world. We should totally hang out soon!

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