So I left work at noon which was awesome. I took off the afternoon b/c I had a doctor’s appointment with my dermatologist. I have 2 skin problems: dry scaly nastiness on parts of my legs from eczema and dry scaly skin on my scalp.
MD: Apply a mixture of ½ Aquaphor and ½ Cera Ve Cream 1-2 times per day to hydrate skin.
Translation: When I jump out of the shower I need to quickly with haste mix equal parts of petroleum jelly and good ass lotion and lube up.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
MD: Apply Triamcholene ointment on scalp overnight and rinse with Sebulex shampoo.
Translation: Douse head in mineral oil overnight until oil is dripping and shampoo with a medicated shampoo.
MD: There is no treatment, however we can help keep this nuisance under control.
Translation: Thank you for paying me for NOTHING.
WOW – I’m really glad I went to my dermatologist.
MD: Apply a mixture of ½ Aquaphor and ½ Cera Ve Cream 1-2 times per day to hydrate skin.
Translation: When I jump out of the shower I need to quickly with haste mix equal parts of petroleum jelly and good ass lotion and lube up.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
MD: Apply Triamcholene ointment on scalp overnight and rinse with Sebulex shampoo.
Translation: Douse head in mineral oil overnight until oil is dripping and shampoo with a medicated shampoo.
MD: There is no treatment, however we can help keep this nuisance under control.
Translation: Thank you for paying me for NOTHING.
WOW – I’m really glad I went to my dermatologist.
I had SD once too. On my ears! I used Topicort to get the inflammation down, and then started to use Eucerin to moisturize after a shower. Now it's gone, I use a moisturizing soap that does double duty, it's the Dove one.
Posted by
Chic Mommy |
August 15, 2006 at 7:54 AM
I sympathize -- I had it on my eyelids back in highschool!
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
August 15, 2006 at 7:35 PM
This is why I see no justification for paying so much for health insurance out of my precious paycheck!
Posted by
Roonie |
August 15, 2006 at 11:58 PM
Not to compare you to my son, but he had the same issues when he was about two years old. The dr recommended t-gel for his SD, we applied it as an ointment, not as a shampoo and left it on overnight. Cured it in a couple of days. and for his exzema (i know it's spelled wrong!) we used hydrocortisone ointment. after it cleared up we used cetaphil lotion and that's helped a lot.
Posted by
West Coast Mommy |
August 16, 2006 at 10:09 AM
WCM I'm going to try this method! Thank you. Roonie the only problem I worry about is unexpected medical issues. I'll tell you my UTI county hospital horror story when I was uninsured when I see you.
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
August 16, 2006 at 9:07 PM
I second the Cetaphil lotion. Our whole family uses it on our face, and the kids on their body as well. It doesn't sting like baby lotion.
Posted by
Chic Mommy |
August 18, 2006 at 12:00 PM