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Happy 420

Fun quote of the day: [W]hen I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale. --Candidate Bill Clinton (The New York Times, 3/30/92) Where did the term 420 come from you ask? According to my friend Wiki, "in 1971, a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California, calling themselves "The Waldos", used to meet every day after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue." Are we surprised the term was coined in my beloved Bay?

Here's a bit more detailed information from Steven Hager:

One day, one of the Waldos was given a map to an abandoned pot field located in a remote section of Marin County near the ocean. The Waldos met one day after school to go look for this pot patch and they decided to meet at the Louis Pasteur statue outside the school at 4:20. They reminded each other during the day about the planned adventure by saying "420" to each other in the hallways. They would spend many afternoons searching for the field, but never found it. Eventually, 420 became a Waldo code word for marijuana, a code that spread into the Grateful Dead scene, and eventually reached High Times magazine. After I discovered the code, I began organizing ceremonies at 420 at the Cannabis Cup, WHEE!, and other events. Before long, the code circled the globe and people in Japan, Australia, Netherlands, Brazil, and many other countries began celebrating marijuana at 4:20 p.m. I think 420 is important for a number of reasons. Not only is it the first big international holiday of cannabis culture, but it's also a helpful guide for responsible use. Unless you have a medical need, it's best to wait until 4:20 to become intoxicated. It's our "tea time" and "happy hour" rolled into one. And remember: The less you do, the
higher you get. People who wait until 4:20 get a lot higher than breakfast bonghitters.

I personally think a war on pot is idiotic. So in honor of 420, I will share some "Grass" with you, a history of the American war against Maryjane, the terrorist hippie chick. Enjoy the documentary.

Very interesting blog. Kiss kiss

for some damn reason i couldn't view the video. :(

as for the pot war? u.s. govt won't legalize because they can't regulate it and thus, tax it.

pot is so easy to grow. if it was regulated & sold, why would anyone buy it if they could just grow a plant at home, you know? it pisses me off. honestly, if our govt wasn't so greedy about getting a fucking buck from everything it WOULD be legalized.

it's FAR less destructive than alcohol. i have never heard of anyone commiting murder or beating up their wife while stoned. the worst than can happen is you eat a bag of doritos and 4 taco bell burritos.

as a longtime supporter of mary jane and the Rastafarian nation , i say LEGALIZE IT! :)

haappppppy 420!

"it's FAR less destructive than alcohol. i have never heard of anyone commiting murder or beating up their wife while stoned. the worst than can happen is you eat a bag of doritos and 4 taco bell burritos. "

i have to personally disagree with the above. at age 18, i started suffering massive anxiety attacks while high. most people laughed it off as paranoia, but it was beyond that. at least 5 times, i passed out after taking maybe two hits from a pipe (i used to be able to smoke a bowl myself and feel next to nothing), one time landing flat on my face. my heart rate speeds up so much that you can feel it rattling around in my chest ... it is beyond hell for me. as an adult, i've met more and more people who also share this extreme reaction and who now abstain. i think a major problem for me is the variability with pot. i know how a vodka tonic is going to affect me, and it's going to do the same thing on any day at any bar, give or take. and i also know how long it's going to take to clear from my body. pot, on the other hand, who the hell knows what it's going to do -- all depends on where it comes from, how fresh it is, etc. i'm not anti-legalization, but i definitely don't think it's as innocuous as supporters make it out to be. even when i was a pothead, i could in no way safely operate a vehicle; on the other hand, i'm ashamed to say that i know from firsthand experience that i am a fine drunk driver.

Boo for drugs! Boo!

agk - sorry you had that experience. sure the stuff wasn't laced with something? typically "home grown" organic varieties don't produce that kind of paranoia you described.

oh and to make myself clear, legalizing it and operating a vehicle while under the influence of pot are too totally separate issues. just because i want it legal doesn't mean the legalization should give one cause to operate a vehicle, bicycle, etc. while doing so. i would think the laws would handle it much in the same way as alcohol. if you choose to toke up, then let someone else drive. or don't drive period. i would never advocate driving under the influence of any substance, including marijuana. not to say that one wouldn't do it despite this. there are tons of people who do it right now. much in the same way people drive drunk everyday.

no 420 for me. st. pete isn't all that great. i'm missing home. do you think my job will allow me to partake in the medical stuff? i can only imagine how my boss would handle that, uhm, we've noticed something strange in your blood/urine test.


thanks for the book you let me borrow. it's wonderful. once a skeptic, but now i'm totally hooked. i'll be back on the west coast friday.

Thank you for clearing up this mystery for me!

actually, the very first time i passed out, it was actually laced with PCP (found that out later, great friends i had). but the other 4 bad times, it was definitely not. oh well, probably better this way, at the rate i was going. would love to know what exactly in my body chemistry makes me react this way -- that's the nerd in me :)

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