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Yummy Mother's Day Card

My mom really isn't a card person. She thinks they're a colossal waste of money. Of course I want to send her a Mother's Day card. I found the perfect card here -- one you can eat! Who doesn't like a cookie?

Edibles greeting card cookies are $15.00 plus shipping, measure approximately 5 x 7 inches, and weigh about one pound.They are 100% edible sugar cookies with butter-cream frosting, and come beautifully gift wrapped with a ribbon and die-cut accent tag.We ship through UPS directly to the recipient anywhere in the United States (additional shipping charges for Hawaii and Alaska).


what a great (and yummy!) idea! i sort of did a similar thing for myself...i purchased some cookies from cheryl & co. the pink heart iced cookies are simply unbelievable. not exactly great for my diet, but they sure do make me happy. and it's my first mother's day, so i deserve it!

You are a flippin' genius. Thanks!

yum! my mom wants everything. she wants a card, chocolate, something nice to wear. it's hard to shop for her.

My MIL just got her card and it was a hit.

CM: My mom is like that too. She can be impossible.

So thank you BG for the card info. My mom received her card this morning, LOVED it. So overwhelmed that it was a card, what I wrote and whether to eat it or not. :) Thank you!

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