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Father's Day

I have been dealing with my dad's passing in a very bad way -- consumed by anger. My poor husband. I have been in a foul hell-acious mood. I have snapped at him constantly and he's taken it a like a trooper.

Then came the miracle. My father visited me in the wee hours of the morning on Father's Day in my dream. He told me that I was a good daughter and that he loved me. He hugged me. A big great bear hug. I could smell his aftershave. I told him not to go and started sobbing hysterically.

My brother called me on Father's Day to check in. He had a very similar experience -- my dad visited him too.

Thank you daddy. Your visit is what made Father's Day some what bearable.


I'm glad you got to see your daddy for father's day after all:)

This made me cry a little.

I'm so happy for you, this must have been so comforting.

I just realized that although I checked often for news and felt deep sorrow for you when I read about your father, I don't think I ever posted my condolences. I know it was a long battle and that along with the grief there is some relief (for his sake) at his passing, but I won't pretend to understand how you really feel. I do think you have faced this all with incredible bravery and honesty and I am so glad that you have your soulmate to help you through (especially when certain family members make things even more difficult).

You've been in my thoughts.

what a wonderful post. I heard that when you see relatives in your dreams, especially in the early morning hours, it really is their soul visiting you. My grandmother sometimes visits me like this, I was very close to her, and wasn't able to say goodbye when she passed away. But when I see her in my dreams, I realize, just like your dad, our loved ones never truly leave us.

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