Filed Under: The Stupid Things White Men Say

Hipster: Do you know much about indie films?
Me: [I didn't want to get into a conversation with this man, color me anti-social] No, sorry.
Hipster: I'm looking for a German film about a government investigator.
Me: [I knew exactly which movie he was referring to... a fucking amazing movie that I saw at the New Beverly Cinema as part of a double feature.] The Lives of Others!
Hipster: See, you do know your indie films.
Me: Uhm no. That was just an amazing film.
Hipster: Really?
Me: Hands down one of my favorite films. I think it's over there (far away from where I was standing). [I go back to reading the back of the dvd box. I had helped the man. Now he could leave me alone.]
Hipster: Are you in the film industry? Do you make films?
Me: [Is this his pickup line, for reals? It's not like everyone doesn't try to use that line in L.A.] Definitely not.
Hipster: So where are you from?
Me: [Jesus, this question???] I'm Bengali.
Hipster: Wow. I've always wanted to visit. [Yeah right buddy bear.]
Me: Well, you should check it out.
Hipster: So is your boyfriend from there too?
Me: Actually, my HUSBAND [let me say it loud and clear] is Punjabi.
Hipster: [Taking a moment for it to sink in that I am not available] So do your tribes get along, or is there a lot of tribal fighting? [This man was dead fucking seriously]
Me: [I just made a face. There clearly was nothing left to say.]
Oh my god, BC. I was already rolling my eyes that he didn't know the name of the film he was looking for (although he probably did! Who doesn't - and I agree, it was amazing), but the punch line was awesome.
I wouldn't even have known what to do. TRIBES?!?
Posted by
tamasha |
August 28, 2007 at 9:05 AM
Posted by
Esha |
August 28, 2007 at 12:33 PM
omg this reminds me of the time when we can out of the namesake! WTF!
Posted by
loveslipgloss |
August 28, 2007 at 9:56 PM
this totally takes me back to us walking out of the namesake. WTF why do these guys think it's cool to speak to us this way!!!???
Posted by
loveslipgloss |
August 28, 2007 at 9:58 PM
no fucking way...
next time someone asks you something that stupid, you can respond:
"well, they didn't before, but since his tribe gave mine 10 goats in exchange for me marrying my husband and the promise of a first born son, everything's been cool.
now if only we appease that angry volcano god with our virgin sacrifices...."
Posted by
kit-n-kumari |
August 29, 2007 at 9:50 AM
You should've laughed hysterically and walked away shaking your head. TRIBES? Are you KIDDING me?
Hey, I think I know "loveslipgloss"! I can only think of one other person besides you and I that would recall The Namesake night! HI LOVER!
Posted by
roonie |
August 29, 2007 at 12:49 PM
Oy! Men are so freakin' tactless! I love kit'n kumari's response! HA!
Posted by
It will pass... |
August 30, 2007 at 7:50 AM