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The Kindness of Strangers

I lugged my huge suitcase onto the Caltrain. Imagine a ginormous suitcase (I could fit inside of the luggage). I have no other luggage. I've been looking for luggage sales and cheap ass me kept waiting for that perfect deal. Yes I know, I need to buy a carry on rolling suitcase ASAP. I rolled my butt fuck huge luggage to the end of the train, trying to avoid people's appendages, and realized my mistake -- there was absolutely no room for my luggage in between the seats. People tried to get past me but couldn't. I started getting mean looks. I could barely budge my suitcase down the aisle. I felt cornered. I started to panic.

Then a hipster techie desi man showed up. He had sat next to me on the bench waiting for the Caltrain. He said to me gently, "you have to move your luggage to the luggage car." I said meekly, "I didn't know." He picked up my suitcase and motioned that I should follow. I did just that. He just radiated a kind vibe. I wasn't afraid that he would try to make a mad dash with my luggage. Him being desi definitely helped me feel non-sketched. We got to a car where there was a large space for people in wheelchairs. He put my luggage down. I thanked him. He said to me, "I'm worried. We have to find the luggage car b/c the ticket checking guy will make you move your luggage. I've seen him make mothers move their strollers." I nodded my head. He told me he would find the luggage car and took off. He came back quickly and stated that he found the luggage car and it was a few cars down. On the next stop, I quickly got off the train and moved as fast as I could to get to the luggage car before the train took off. SHIT. How many cars down was the luggage car? I hadn't bothered to ask. But get this, the hipster techie desi man was there to help me. He waived to me from the luggage car. He carried the luggage onto the train and hoisted it on the luggage shelf. I smiled and said, "thank you so much." He simply nodded. He got off on the next stop.

I'm floored by his kindness. He didn't hit on me. He wasn't creepy. He didn't expect anything from me. He was just a kind young gentleman. His momma taught him well.

I was in a pissy mood when I landed in Burbank Airport. I missed my husband. I barely saw him this weekend. Anyhow, I was tired, cranky and feeling blue. I got to my apartment and I found the sweetest card and gift from a blogger whom I have never met IRL but feel like I definitely know her. I won't mention who she is by name b/c I don't want to embarrass her. But she had been thrift store shopping, saw a tank, thought I would like it (it says "I love LA") and mailed it to me. No rhyme or reason for the gift. Simple. Authentic. Generous. Real. I love this gift b/c it's in the spirit of true gift giving -- wanting to light up someone else's face with a smile for no reason. And this tank happens to be way cool.

Twice in one day I have encountered authentic kindness, I'm tickled pink and inspired. I will certainly pay this kindness forward. Thank you both for making my day better than I could have imagined by your acts of kindness.

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.

What a nice anecdote. I, too, am always surprised at all the nice people I meet randomly when I travel.

Was he hot? was he single? You wanna get his digits next time for your eligible single desi girls, please???

you know, every now and then you run into someone who just defied your expectations in a good way and it fuels you to keep dealing with the assholes.

how lovely.

what a BEAUTIFUL story! it made me smile. thank you for sharing. =)

it reminds me of this luggage+train story i've always loved, too, ever since i read it.

the kindness of ppl truly overwhelms me, b/c i'm usually ready for some sort of nastiness and obnoxiousness by nature. i always have my guard up, so when ppl are geniunely truly nice with no angles, i'm just humbled.

i'm glad you were able to witness some of that type of kindness.

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