Saturday, August 5, 2006

Ring, Ring, Ring

My cell was going off the hook this morning. It was ringing, it was vibrating, it was flashing – just going mad crazy. The cell phone mayhem forced me to roll out of bed around noon. I beg hubby to go look at our respective cells to see who’s lighting it up and of course it was a compilation of Rye and P (my bestest friend living in NYC).

The crazy text message and voicemails made me smile. I met P in the 7th grade. We lived a few blocks from each other. I would ride my bike to her house growing up. We went to high school and college together. She can tell if I’m happy or sad from the sound of my voice. *Sigh* Why is she in NYC? We met Rye junior year of high school. He was in my AP Chemistry class. Mid-way through the semester, he looks at me and says, “Uhm, like you can be really pretty, but girl you need new clothes, new hair cut, contacts and yeah makeup.” That’s when I transformed into a fasion-ista. *Sigh* Why is he in CT?

I call P and she doesn’t answer. I proceed to tm (text message). I then repeatedly call her until she answers. Hubby looks at me laughing, “you guys are nut cases, you guys call each other like it’s an emergency, until one of you answers...and it’s never a real emergency, it’s a problem with a boyfriend or picking out a skirt.” I look at him and giggle and P picks up the phone and I burst out laughing.


Roonie said...

Oh, and let us not forget who ELSE texted you this morning!

Bengali Chick said...

Yes, but you sent me one text like a sane person and not like my lunatic friends.

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...