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Good Friends -- FUN FUN FUN

I swear to you I have never had as much fun as I am having in LA. I have seriously met FAB people. I'll admit, I feel very cool and hip (yes I am a dork) getting invited for interesting outings. What I love about my friends in LA, while they're all uber intelligent, educated and professional -- they are just effing fun. Getting emails that say, wanna get together and play games tonight, eat good food and drink a little vino is my kind of fun (that’s my game plan for tonight). Small intimate gathering, snacks, a drinkie and having a good time with friends – what’s better? Love it. I HEART LA.

Also, looking at the post below I have to give a shout out to my friend AK who was instrumental in helping shape me into the best me that I could become. The Universe loves me, what else explains having been sent an amazing friend like AK? If you're reading this, miss you, hope to see you in Cali sooner rather than later.

On a side note, while I'm on the topic of friends. I feel like that's a good way to judge people -- see who they are surrounded with -- who their good friends are. In sum, I think I have to be a fantastic person only b/c my friends are the most unbelievably amazing people out there: intelligent, articulate, compassionate, funny, quirky, interesting... simply people with amazing souls.

You're very lucky. I wish I was in LA, I'm just surrounded by FOBs here in NJ (no offense to cool FOBs out there, I'm talking about the narrow minded judgemental wives of my husbands fobbi friends. The ones who always look at me like I'm some americanized ABCD. Screw them bitches!)

I have a very good friend in LA. She just had her second baby, and is the best. I rarely see her but keep in touch with her through the blog and e-mails. I have a few good friends in NJ but everyone is so busy with their kids and family we see each other only sporadically. My sister who lives in PA is actually my best friend. She gets me like nobody else can.

Hey CM- I think we're lucky if we have enough good friends to count on one hand. I can only imagine what it's like in NJ. I grew up in CT and there were a lot of Fobbi judgemental bitches. I hated them. I didn't like desis until I moved out to CA, especially SF and LA and realized that there are soo many cool liberal-minded desis.

I wish you were here too. I have a sneaking suspicion we'd get along infamously! You'll have to come visit LA, if one of your girls is here!

definietly. I'll send you an e-mail next time I plan to go out there.

I am missing the fun, DAMNIT!

At least we had a BLAST apartment hunting, didn't we? ;)

You are a great friend for coming with me. I really, really appreciate you being there.

thanks so much for the shout out. i love la and ca so much! i am so happy that you are happy. your life sounds just like you always dreamed it would. or maybe even better?

Roonie-any time girl. I actually had a good time apt shopping! I really like the people in the hood we checked out. I know you're going to get one of the places I've seen -- I feel it.

AK -- you def know what my life was like before, so I don't think I could have even dreamed up this much happiness. I can't wait until life brings you back to Cali!

Ok now you're just making me jealous! I miss my time in Cali - I've been through a lot of rocky friendships (the types where you have the bestest of friends and then some drama happens and poof, they're gone). That was part of the reason I was ok with moving to CT - a part of me wanted to leave the drama and start over.

But now I've realized im in the hickstate of CT. I don't know how you grew up here. I miss the diversity SO much! If I see any brown at all it's usually fobs at the train station or grocery store. I miss my brown friends who really understood me and I hate having to go to the city to hang out with someone!

Ok rant over =)

Sonia- That's horrible! I think longjevity is the best test of friendships. I think when I moved to LA, I was all depressed about not having good friends and someone told me that's the beauty of making friends, you never know when the next great friend is around the corner(heck it may have been you that posted the comment on my blog):) But from my experience in CT -- there weren't too many around the corner. Where in CT are you?

I have a great frend, my bf since age 12 in the City (NYC) she's from Manchester, CT. I can hook you two up. She's AWESOME.

I feel your pain though. I don't envy you the slightest for being stuck in Patheticut. There just isn't diversity and too many FOBS. Crossing my fingers that hubby will transfer his job and find something just as amazing in CA, LA has a great economy.

I hope you have magic crossing fingers!! =)

Well Bengali Chick, I got to your blog through Chic Mommy's (I'm her good friend in LA) because of two things...you mentioned a store in Woodland Hills (that's where I live) that has Vasanthi makeup and also because I'm part Bengali (other part Punjabi). So I read your blog and found it interesting. I'll be checking back for new posts :)

and let me know the name of the store that has the vasanthi cosmetics if you get a chance!

Hey West Coast Mommy (WCM)!! This is the store: Soto (South On Topanga)
4865 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Woodland Hills, CA
Phone: 818-346-7686
(limited line available)

I think I'm going to have to check it out. That's really interesting that you're part Bengali and part Punjabi -- that's gonna be my kids!

thx BC, that's right by my house! Well, I think your kids will be fabulous, they're gonna get the best of both worlds... ;)

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