Thursday, March 1, 2007

Shocking: Walking in Los Angeles

The public transportation sucks in my beloved City. Everyone drives, this is considered to be hands down a driving City. I had to take my hybrid in for the 45k maintenance this morning. At first I arranged with hubby that he would follow me to the dealer so that I could drop him off at work and have his car for the day. The maintenance will only take a few hours, I don't really need his car. The dealer is 2 miles from my house. Today I woke up as usual with the gorgeous Cali sun shining down on me. I decided to stop being lazy. I walked the 2 miles from my pad down to the dealer on Santa Monica Blvd.

The walk was refreshingly delicious. I didn't even need my light fleece b/c the weather was perfect. I took the time to really check out my hood. My hood is awesome, tons of boutiques, cute eateries, swanky pubs/bars, posh restaurants and so much more. I definitely know where to go know in Hollywood for hubby-eye-popping nighties. I took in my City during my walk. A sense of gratitude swept over me...I love where I live and I am so grateful.

My walk inspired me to stop at the gym for a 1 1/2 hour workout. I must say there are some skinny b*tches in Hollywood, this is coming from a girl who wears a size O/2, these girls were way skinnier than me. I had the urge to feed them, I resisted.

Of course I threw in some manifestation to the mix. I visualized strollercizing with tubby. Tubby and I will explore every nook and cranny of our hood. S/he'll be exposed to the rich diversity of L.A. Tubby is going to fall in love with Los Angeles, my little Benjabi Angelino.

I'm off to shower, work on film festival deadlines and walk 2 more miles to pick up my car.
Happy Walking!


It will pass... said...

BC, this was such a motivating post. I always opt to take the car, even when I'm not going far. On days when I do end up walking, I feel so much better!!

Mediocre Blogger said...

I've written ad nauseum that I'm a big proponent of walking. Per unit distance, walking burns as many calories as jogging. Also, why stick yourself in a car when you can enjoy the outdoors?

roonie said...

I walk all the time in LA! I love my neighborhood! Sometimes, I don't have to use the car the entire weekend!

brown sugar said...

SF is also a great city to walk around if you ever get a chance :-)

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