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Money $$$

I have a hate love relationship with money. The one thing I do love about money is that it gives you tons of luxuries such as being able to book a ticket to NYC whenever I want to visit my best friend. Or just being to visit a friend or family member when they need me. Generally it takes the kind of stuff that I don't agree with to make tons of cash -- I don't believe in slaving away at the office or taking a job that you hate or doing something that makes your stomach churn to make tons of cash.

But saying all of this my sweet grandma is in a nursing home. It breaks my heart. She's so kind and loving. But the medical expenses in taking care of her are too much for my uncles and they put her in a home. I know I shouldn't think of the nursing home as being this evil place but I can't help it. It's sad to think she might die in there. She doesn't even speak English -- how will she be able to communicate with the nurses? Bengali isn't a common language. If they had tons of cash they could hire all the medical support they needed and she could stay at her home.

It's not death that I have a problem with. I know that we aren't immortal. It's the suffering that hurts. It's dying alone that hurts.