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Mommy Thoughts

This is my take on being a mother (and no I don't have kids yet and am most definitely not preggers) -- it's important for me to be home with the baby in the initial formative years and ideally I’d like to work while my child is at school. I will be the first to admit that I am incredibly lucky to have such a supportive husband who can not only financially support that decision but emotionally supports it on a daily basis. What I mean by that is it's hard to leave work --emotionally hard.. battling with inner-self when the question of "am I losing my edge.." or "but I went through so much school" or "I always thought housewives were lame" and countless other demons that enter mybrain. Having hubby say a thousand times a day -- I respect you, regardless of whether you're bringing home money and out in theworkforce, or whether you decide to stay at home and raiser our child -- is AMAZING -- well he's AMAZING simply put.

That set aside I think it would be so wonderful to have a mommy circle. Other women in my community, who form a circle and we're there to b*tch about diapers, teething, stress, boredom... AND have playgroups for the kids and the mommies. For example, this is what I have in mind-- packing up our 2 year olds and going on a nature hike -- teaching them about the ecosystem (plants, wildlife, respect for the environment) – outings to the museum – arts and crafts – ethnic foods – community service -- well you the get idea.

The problem is where do I find other mommies? I can’t very well expect all of my girlfriends to get preggers when I do and simultaneously move to LA. I don’t know if this exists – but a virtual mommy circle would be amazing – a forum to meet other mommies in the area and to sort through them via different traits – i.e. age/values/interests. The virtual mommy circle can be made into an IRL circle depending on the women’s preferences. I think it’s a good idea – hmmmm.. wonder if it already exists?

Well, I think you find mommy circles via daycare and the park and stuff like that. Maybe through the pediatrician? I don't know how mommy circles form but I know they do, and not by everyone synchronizing when they have their babies in a group of friends!

Vijay is really terrific. What a great thing for him to say to you, to be so supportive of you. You see, if there were more men like Vijay out there - men that liked me, of course - then maybe, just maybe I could fathom marriage. Maybe.

You'll definitely find lots of other moms when you have kids - just by taking your kids to classes, doctor's appt's, etc. I take my niece to some of her art classes and it's pretty easy to meet other moms your age. But it would be so cool to get pregnant at the same time as your friends =)

hold off on getting preggers one more year, and then i *may* be there with you.


the nursery rhyme--first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.

yeah, i have the love part, i just skipped over the marriage part, to the preggers part. dude, i have issues. :)


Oh, my friend (one of my closest from law school) has the love, the house, and then, THE BABY! She said to me, "I'm going to do things all out of order, but they'll all happen at some point!" I love her.

Sonia, Rooni, Chai -- Ladies is it too much to ask that all of you move to LA (Roonie stay in LA) and get preggers in a year... we could be in such a fantastic mommy circle.

And our kids will be so freaking adorable!

Well, that IS too much to ask of me. But I'll wind all of your kids up and send them home to mommy afterwards!

Hehe, who knows - I just might be in LA in a year. But I refuse to have a kid without a grandmother around to take care of him/her, so the pregnancy thing might not happen there!

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