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Bare Escentuals

I admit it I love makeup. I can spend hours in Sephora and spend a mad amount of money. My sin has been mascara and eye shadow. I have never been into foundation – I don't like anything "cakey-like" on my face and I have really sensitive skin.

BUT at the same time when I go to these fancy-schmancy parties with hubby I want my face to be perfect (I know it's not important but whatever). I just discovered Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation. I am like in love. I bought the starter kit and my face is dazzling – looks so natural almost dewey and not heavy at all. It takes me no time at all. It also came with this awesome instructional video. This is coming from the girl who hated foundation all her life. I use there foundation under my eyes and say good bye to dark circles.

Maybe I should have sought work at a makeup company doing brand advertising…. hmmmm

ani~ discovered your blog thru a friend's blog. i'm normally right there with you on not using foundation BUT a friend of mine who broke out pretty bad recently started using the bare esc. powder & foundation and she's raving about it! now, i'll have to give it a try...

I bought the starter kit at sephora for $60 and I'm generally not a huge $ spender -- seriously the best $60 I've spent on makeup.

So um, I need to like, look into this. Because you made this sound SO appetizing...I must try it!

And yes, let's hang out! These next two weeks are bad for me, but I'm always free during the week! Unemployment rocks! Send me a message at geezohpetes at gmail dot com and I'll get you my REAL contact info ;)

I REALLY wanted to love Bare Escentuals Mineral Makeup, the thought of something so pure, it doesn't need to be removed was just tantalizing...but the colors are all wrong for me. At my Sephora, they were just puzzled. Nothing looked right. They finally mixed three separate shades and I looked slightly sick as opposed to disgusting, which is how I looked with their previous attempts. Finally, they gave up and told me that the product is just not meant for me. Which is odd, because if Chanel makes something which looks natural on my face, you'd think BE would...oh, well.

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