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Mid-Week Gym Review – Waking up AM

Monday started off good – hubby and I ran side by side on the treadmill. Of course I was running/walking and praying for it to be over while hubby was in the zone running at the max treadmill speed of 9.5 or 10 miles per hour (yeah – can’t compete with a former Division 1 track star). Oh well. Tuesday I worked out and did strength training (my entire body is sore today). Today – well today I sucked. The plan was to get up at 5:15 and be at the gym by 6 AM to do some serious Spinning. I watched a movie last night with hubby and we cuddled and it was great but we ended up going to bed a bit later than I had planned. This morning when my alarm went off at 5 AM I ended up turning it off instead of snoozing. So, yeah the gym never happened. I’m pissed with myself. I made a plan and I didn’t stick to it – I HATE that. Effing A. Tonight I’m going out with chica to see a show and I have to go home first and take a shower (b/c I’m disgusting – I literally rolled out of bed, ponytail, brushed teeth and ran out the door). I can’t believe I’m at work looking like this – it should be illegal.

The Plan for the remainder of the week:
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Pilates and meet with trainer (Pilates only offered at 4:30 PM – need to go for abs)
Saturday or Sunday: Yoga

I WANT to be at the gym at 6 AM – this is the problem – a few nights a week I have plans whether it’s social or business for hubby. We don’t get home until 10ish and then there’s sex and all that good stuff and then bed. I know that when hubby starts working he works late and we usually go out for dinner and I don’t want to miss out seeing him (he works mad hours and my time with him is precious). My body doesn’t want to get up and go to the gym at 6 AM when I’m sleep-deprived w/o coffe and I don’t want to gulp down a shot of espresso while I’m driving to the gym. But at the same time I WANT to be at the gym at 6 AM. The problem is effing Americans work to effing much. But I HEART my job (not management) but my job.

Yes I know, stop bitching about my over-privileged existence .

I am just tired of coming home so late, that's the only reason I'm so into the 6:00 a.m. sessions. I get so lonely coming home around dark; I feel as if the world is in sleep mode and I'm just beginning to enjoy my post-work bliss.

i can't believe you work out so much. your body is going to have a nervous breakdown with the amount of physical stress you put on it....that's my two cents. i think three days cardio and two days weights is good middle ground.

and you are terribly hard on yourself, girl. so what? you didn't wake up at six. you enjoyed those moments in bed, or reading, or cuddling...whatever. you are doing so much, which is awesome, so appreciate yourself! your beauty (so what you wore a ponytail and no shower--you still are ANI, right?), your body (no need to work out 7 days a week), and mind (downtime, slow pace, meditation....ahhhh).

/totally unsolicited advice, i know. can you blame me when i see myself in you? so, its more like me advising myself. :)


I seriously need to come the eff down and stop being such a pyschopath. Solidarity sista -- we gota keep each other in check from going off the edge!

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