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Alternative-Desi Men: Analysis from this “Suitable Girl”

The weekend with the in-law was fabulous. Of course conversation (much of the time) turned to my bro-in-law, Dr. Sahib, and of course finding him a suitable girl as he is a 4th year medical student, thus crème of the crop in the Indian community.

I’d consider Dr. Sahib and hubby to be alternative-desi men. Both are socially liberal and quite politically engaged, as both would choose The Economist as their magazine of choice. These are BaY Area boys, raised in the Bay Area, and of course spear headed their local Socialist chapter in high school.

One of the many perks of finding an alternative-desi man is that while they are essentially “SF” at heart (feminists) they also make terrific husbands. This is where the desi part kicks in, hardworking men who desire to financially provide for their families, while of course letting their respective wives make their own decision regarding the work-family balance and fully supporting that choice.

So yes ladies, an alternative-desi man, is something to covet. In conversation with hubby and Dr. Sahib, we brain-stormed a host of factors that we believe alternative-desi men (such as Dr. Sahib) use when looking for their suitable girl (not in order of preference):
  1. Desi Girl (religion generally no issue)
  2. Reasonably attractive (pretty is always better)
  3. Open-minded
  4. Politically engaged
  5. Assertive while not dominant
  6. Educated, minimum requirement a B.S. or B.A.
  7. Career oriented yet family oriented
  8. Quirky – normalcy is so over-rated
  9. Relatively sexually un-promiscuous (uhm, we are talking about desi men here)
  10. Intelligent – free thinkers

Any interested parties for Dr. Sahib? Just kidding, mostly.

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Phooey. I have no shot! I meet about zero of those criterion. I'm not desi (as much as I try), I'm uglier than sin, I am so dominant I carry whips and chains in my purse, I don't even know what politics are - I thought that was a cereal?, I barely have my associate's, I sleep with every man I see (and look to get banged in every corner of the earth), the only family I'm oriented with are the ones I sleep with, and im dum az a dornayl.

That should've been followed by a:

Awww shucks ;) Looks like I've got no chance in hell!

I read the Economist, but am married already. Plus I'd be prevented by the law from marrying your Dr. Sahib. I love the selection of topics in that magazine, but I have some serious issues with it. It is highly opinionated and preachy, but they just have this smooth way of doing it so that my first time, I couldn't tell at all!

The other thing is, no article carries the name of the author. What's up with date?

I fit all those criteria myself, except I'm a writer instead of a doctor. The list you put up matches mine criteria as well. Great post.

Roonie- ur a catch for any man, you silly biznotch.

Morphism -- I "pretend" to read the Economist; while hubby reads Economis I peruse magazines such as US or People.

Gautham-- thank you for the comment. Many times my blog posts are admittedly much more ditzy, so do forgive me in the future.

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