Family Track? Career Track?
My friend sent me this article yesterday and it got me thinking about marriage and family. It was a very interesting read.
There is no right or wrong way to live one’s life. You do your best to figure out what it is that is important to you and try to manifest that into a reality. Marriage and children aren’t for everyone. Making it one’s life goal to have simply a successful career isn’t for everyone.
What pisses me off is that of late I have encountered many thickheaded people. You know the type – the ones that argue to ad nauseum for the sake or arguing. The kind of people that are so foolish they can’t see any point of view other than their own. The same fucks that simply argue their position to vindicate the decisions they have made in their life. Yes I hate you people b/c you are simply too stupid and arrogant to possibly imagine that there maybe merit to living a life different from yours.
What is maturity? To me, maturity is being able to think through your actions, see the possible ramifications and make a choice that best fits your life b/c you as a mature person have put in the time and effort to truly know yourself. The institution of marriage or the act of creating a family in itself does not deem someone mature. If I hear one more person say, “when you grow up and mature you’ll see… you’ll get married” – what the fuck does that mean? Do we know the divorce rate in America? What about those couples that have a shitty marriage (b/c mind you they should never have gotten married and only did so b/c they're the settling type) and decide to have a child to save their marriage – wow that is surely a sign of maturity. Get off the maturity bandwagon.
Why did I get married? How do I put in tangible words that I found someone that inspires me to be a better person, someone who inspires me to be more of an independent thinker, someone who’s love nourishes me and gives me strength? I found a man who became my family and I wanted to honor that love and cherish that relationship. This is where the line between need and choice, complete and incomplete all get fuzzy. I simply cannot imagine my life without him. I am not mature b/c I got married; I am mature to realize the sanctity of our relationship.
There is no right or wrong way to live one’s life. You do your best to figure out what it is that is important to you and try to manifest that into a reality. Marriage and children aren’t for everyone. Making it one’s life goal to have simply a successful career isn’t for everyone.
What pisses me off is that of late I have encountered many thickheaded people. You know the type – the ones that argue to ad nauseum for the sake or arguing. The kind of people that are so foolish they can’t see any point of view other than their own. The same fucks that simply argue their position to vindicate the decisions they have made in their life. Yes I hate you people b/c you are simply too stupid and arrogant to possibly imagine that there maybe merit to living a life different from yours.
What is maturity? To me, maturity is being able to think through your actions, see the possible ramifications and make a choice that best fits your life b/c you as a mature person have put in the time and effort to truly know yourself. The institution of marriage or the act of creating a family in itself does not deem someone mature. If I hear one more person say, “when you grow up and mature you’ll see… you’ll get married” – what the fuck does that mean? Do we know the divorce rate in America? What about those couples that have a shitty marriage (b/c mind you they should never have gotten married and only did so b/c they're the settling type) and decide to have a child to save their marriage – wow that is surely a sign of maturity. Get off the maturity bandwagon.
Why did I get married? How do I put in tangible words that I found someone that inspires me to be a better person, someone who inspires me to be more of an independent thinker, someone who’s love nourishes me and gives me strength? I found a man who became my family and I wanted to honor that love and cherish that relationship. This is where the line between need and choice, complete and incomplete all get fuzzy. I simply cannot imagine my life without him. I am not mature b/c I got married; I am mature to realize the sanctity of our relationship.
Beautiful posting! I love the article too. You are right, there is huge societal pressure that once a woman hits "that age" she needs to get married and start popping out babies. Somehow if she doesn't do this, there is something wrong with her. I agree with you, that there is really no blueprint for our lives and we must figure out for ourselves, is this what will lead to me living a complete a fulfilled life? I am so happy that you have found someone that helps you to achieve that.
Posted by
Anuradha |
December 15, 2006 at 7:18 AM
My mom started nagging me when I was 25 and just graduated from lawschool: "when are you going to get married? time is running out! after 26 it's all downhill" Thanks mom. It's just a pet peeve of mine.
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
December 15, 2006 at 10:20 AM