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New Baby Blog

I've been battling with the idea of starting a baby blog separate from this blog and finally decided against it. This is my blog and bengalic chic is morphing into HOT bengali mamma bear and I don't want to administer 2 blogs -- one will surely get neglected -- so EFF that.

I heart my friends, but all of them are unmarried and certainly child-less. I needed a forum where I could talk to other moms-to-be and found justmommies today. I joined the August Due Date Club where other moms-to-be are going to be due in August 2007. How exciting is that? I love it! I've found an online community -- yippers skippers. I thought I was totally nutzo constantly worrying about this baby's viability, being scared shitless about a miscarriage, wanting to take a pregnancy test everyday just to be sure I am still preggers -- BUT talking to other moms, I'm starting to feel normal, espeically after hearing similar feelings from other pregnant ladies. Maybe we're all a little hormonal (= NUTZO).

In other baby news, I puked a good 7 times in my office waste basket today. All I can say is god bless the privacy of offices. I'm a quiet puker, so I'm hoping my neighbor didn't hear my vomit-osis. Baby doesn't like soy milk in the morning and baby does not like it when I drink water after lunch.

I'm hungry as HELL today. I chowed down pretty quickly on my tandoori chicken and basmati rice, now it's all gone... *Sigh*


I will loan you my friends. They are ALL having babies.

man, that's rough. 7 times. i'm sooo glad i'm over that.
you wouldn't believe it, i know women whose babies are under a year old and they don't remember anything at all about their pregnancies. i had to refer to a book and the doctor to find out when to expect the first movements and what they feel like. sheesh.
hey, you know what else is really great? sign up with what to expect online club, they send you little updates everyday about your pregnancy - tips and the like. and ofcourse babycentre.com, they send you weekly updates that talks about the changes you AND your baby have seen the past week. it's something to keep you going.
oooh, and liquid stuff first thing in the morning? big no no. keep crackers or saltines by your bedside. eat even before you're sitting up, and stay in bed a good 20 minutes after to let your stomach settle down. also i found that mouthwash after each meal and in between, helped with the nausea.
sorry this comment turned into a post of its own, but you know how it is, now that you're a part of the preg ring - you want to share EVERYTHING!

Roonie -- yes I'd like to borrow your friends! Mona any advice is very greatly appreciated for a new-bee like me!

many many congratulations to you!! haven't been online much in the past few months, been busy with my two little guys. you will LOVE being a mom - is is so fulfulling. any questions, pls email; I'm much better with that than reading blogs. You will definitely feel better as soon as the second trimester hits...it seems like forever but it will come. and the advice to eat saltines before getting up really works.

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