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P.O.A.S. (Pee On A Stick)

I read that Dollar Tree sells $1 pregnancy test,
reliable tests. I couldn't resist, I drove to my
nearest Dollar Tree and I started hoarding. I went
to the cash register to buy 10 tests. The sales
clerk looked at my like I was a nut job. I had to
stop myself from buying 20 tests!

Must fight the P.O.A.S addiction. This is like
breaking the seal ladies. Once I give into
temptation, I will not be able to stop myself from
running to the bathroom every morning, maybe
a few times a day
, to do the deed.
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OMG! Is it time to test already?
All the best of luck!!!!

Use them sparingly, my friend!

Use them sparingly, my friend!

Almost the time. I'm going to try to wait another week at least before I test!

I bet you dinner at Leaf you don't can't wait a week!

HECKYES! Dollar Tree is awesome!!! Let me know if they work....that might save me a good $16 every time I'm 45 minutes late....haha....I am so excited! A little Bengali Baby!!!!!

FYI. I used the Dollar Tree preggo tests... 4 of them to be exact. And each and every one said "Negativo". Then I spent $18 on the real deal (a 2-pack) and BAM... I was positively pregnant. Good luck with your uno-deniro-testos, but don't hold too much faith in them. When all else fails, spend more money!
AND... Absolute best of luck to you!

Anon: thank you for the tip. If you don't mind, when did you test (how many days past ovulation). I'm trying not to get anxious -- but it's hard!

PEE-ON-A-STICK-AHOLIC. That is the actual term for us!


Hubby: Hey, I thought you were going to wait to test?

Me: I am.

Hubby: So why are there 7 new pregnancy tests in the trash?

Me: Oh, that....yeah well

I can't wait to see your two lines.

I spent a small fortune on pregnancy tests during the months we were trying to conceive. Yeah, I could have waited a few days to see if my period was late and then tested, but seriously, who can wait that long? I always started about 4 days early and then took one every day until I got it. It was compulsive.

The crazy thing is the month I was finally pregnant, we weren't officially trying and I waited util I was FIVE days late (I attributed it to final exam stress). The test took about 2 seconds to have 2 bright pink lines :)

Good luck to you!!!

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