To All the Haters
A blogger put into words how I too feel about haters:
I most likely won't. There are things you don't write on a blog, not a blog that people actually read anyway. Namely, success. Because when you write about your personal successes, and you're me, it's giving the haters something else to throw shit at. Mostly people cheer and are happy for you, and even with "most," you get hung up on the bad and the mean. Why? Is it because you deep down doubt yourself and wonder if you're rally worthy? I don't think so. Not in this case. I'm fine with not being liked. It's not the greatest feeling, but I accept it. Not everyone has to like who I am or what I write. "Well if you were just more humble," or "if you were more self-depricating," or "if you didn't take yourself so seriously" or "if you laughed at yourself more and weren't so self-absorbed," or "if you weren't so fat with a big forehead."
If I cared that much about what some stranger behind a cloak of anonymity had to say, I wouldn't write anything honest. I'd care so much,and be so afraid of not being liked that I just wouldn't write it. Clearly I don't care all that much or my writing would have changed. I'd begin to poke fun at myself more, down play things, act. And it is brave to keep doing it with all the shit I take. It would be easier to stop, or to adjust and cater. I'm not about easier. We're not put here to live an easy life. We're here to learn, I think, to grow. To overcome fears. I'm not afraid of being hated. I don't particularly enjoy it, but I'm well aware that the more visible one becomes, the more people will be vocal about loving and hating who they are, what they stand for, or how they wear their hair. The minute I fear how someone will respond to something I write is the moment where I'll stop being completely honest. And for what? Fear of what? Not being liked? Believe me, I've been rejected enough times in life, for just being me, that I'm not about to let some anonymous clump change who I am, or how proud I've become of myself. And I am proud. I've been rejected by lovers, bosses, sororities, and The Wasband. Bloggers who comment, who either have or have not ever met me, are the least of it.
Haters are sad people. They are surrounded by negative energy. I feel sorry for them.
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 19, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Amen to that.
Posted by
Suchi |
January 19, 2007 at 11:08 AM
Perhaps we should just say THANK YOU HATERS. I absolutely love haters.
If I wasn't, they wouldn't bother wasting their time on me.
Posted by
TiaMarie |
January 19, 2007 at 11:28 AM
Welcome back. I'm a lurker and was so disappointed when you "went away." Remember, there are people like me who do read your blog, albeit without comment, but who do enjoy reading about your life, successful, joyful, tearful, sometimes unfulfilled and crazy as it is. You're a great read and above nonsense.
Posted by
DesiMom |
January 19, 2007 at 11:58 AM
Don't go away again! I'm a lurker and love your blog and the honesty that resonates from it. Haterade desi chic is probably a lonely soul who's jealous of the wonderful life you have with adoring husband. Her comments about skin color are DISGUSTING and RACIST.
Posted by
Neha |
January 19, 2007 at 2:53 PM
If they're a hater, they're jealous. If they're jealous, that means you've got something good enough that they want it. And I'll tell ya, imitation is the best form of flattery yet. Even if it is mean-spirited. I agree with Tia Marie. Thanks, haters!
Posted by
roonie |
January 19, 2007 at 3:07 PM
...amen to that...just ignore the haters and always remember the power of the delete button :)...
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 22, 2007 at 1:59 AM