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Does Every Couple Think This?

This weekend was divinely delicious (minus hubby having to go to the office on Saturday). We escaped the City on Sunday morning and trekked to Santa Barbara, holding hands and enjoying its beauty while being in our own lovie-dovie world. Unfortunately on Monday hubby had to work from home; however, I simply enjoy being in his company even if he is working. There is a kind of joy having the comfort and ease to be at home while both of us are doing are own thing (especially because there are kissing, cuddling and sex breaks).

Don’t get me wrong, I was happy before I met hubby (I had and still have an amazing circle of friends). But these 2 and ½ years of marriage have brought me happiness that I didn’t realize was possible. It is very difficult to put into words why hubby’s love puts me in a tizzy of divine pleasure because it is so intangible.

Almost daily I think either to myself or out loud to hubby, “seriously is it possible for people to be happier or more in love than us?” [Meaning, how the f*uck did we get so lucky. In my sick mind, when will the Universe screw me over?] He shakes his head no and kisses me. Do all couples think this?

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It is possible to be happier than you. My husband went to Yale Law School, clerked for the Supreme Court, and now he's a senior partner at Latham. And he's only 28. Plus we have fabulous sex every fifteen minutes. So there.

well, at least the happy ones. the miserable couples probably wonder if its possible for anyone to be as miserable as they are.

my own confession: i often ask Husband how on Earth we managed to find each other, considering that there are SO many people to choose from. moreover, i can't imagine being married to anyone else, so i'm always slighly in awe of that fact that we managed to meet, marry, and not f**k it up.

Kit and Kumari: It really is a miracle to find that person that is *right* for you. I too am glad that I haven't f**cked it up! Happy for you!!!


That's so sweet!! You guys really seem to *adore* each other.

Me and my guy used to have awesome academic discussions, but nowadays it's all: I love you Mango Monkey; I'm so happy i found you Snow Monkey... and more annoying stuff of that nature :b

Thanks for the comment! I love this post- JP and I got married about a year and a half ago and I used to lie (or lay? I can never get that right) in bed at night and feel so lucky and so utterly and completely happy that I actually couldn't sleep. Most of my friends are single, and I'm sure they would throw things at me if I told them that, but its true :)

LL I know how you feel. I think it's hard for people to get how we feel unless they are in a similar circumstances. It truly is divine. I love your blog by the way!

BC, you are very lucky to have such a wonderful relationship! Hopefully when you have kids the two of you will find time to still nurture each other; all too often couples forget their own relationship when the babies come along. Your husband sounds amazing, but you also sound like an amazing wife. I think the reason you both are so in love is because you seem to have a great amount of respect for one another. So in other words, take credit for having such a fulfilling relationship - it's not just magic, you both make it magic :)

It is absolutely amazing to think about the little coincidences that bring two people together. If you weren't at the right place at the right time, where would you be today?

I found the love of my life and would NEVER settle for less. How the f*ck did we all get so lucky? ;)

P.S. Keep me posted on your future pregnancy :)

i identified with this post, totally. i'm glad i didn't settle for less. i can't imagine what life without the zman would be like.

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