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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is also my parents' wedding anniversary. For as long as I can remember, my dad has given my mom a bouquet of roses. Tomorrow is their 35th wedding anniversary and my dad isn't lucid enough to remember. I can only imagine what my mother is going through.

What sucks about tomorrow is that the doctors are meeting with my mom and me to talk about the decisions we must make in regards to my father's health. 35th wedding anniversary should be a day of celebration... not this.

I don't know what to do in order to comfort my mom. Bengali Dude and I went shopping to buy roses to create a couture flower arrangement for my mom. I know it it's not much, but I'm at a loss on what more I can do besides this simple act and hold her hand for as long as she needs.

I'm so sorry... I've been reading your posts about your dad and have no idea what to say. I'm glad you have your brother to be there with you- and I think the couture roses are a wonderful idea.

I hope tomorrow goes as well as it possibly can- you're in my thoughts.

Thinking of you. I'm sure your mom values having you and your brother there to hold her hand more than anything else you could give her.

Good luck today with everything today. My heart goes out to you and your family, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm sorry too.

I'm going to be going through my own bout of family health tragedy that I haven't been blogging about. My fear is I will be in the same boat as you in a matter of a couple of months. I'm praying for you!

I think the roses would be a great idea.

You two are good kids, and great siblings.

I think you said it. "hold her hand for as long as she needs". At a time like this, knowing that she has you, and that you two can trudge through this together (with your brother as well) is the best thing that she could have right now. Love, support and family. As always, I'm thinking of you.

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