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Fan of My Blog, Wants a Threesome

I know, I know, don't freed the trolls, but I have a gem of a comment that I have to post. This chic sends me sexually explicit comments all of the time (oh I wished I saved them to share with all of you). I think she's shy b/c she refers to my husband quite a bit... I have deduced that the reason she is shy is b/c she wants a threesome where my husband is watching while she licks my pussy. Oh you naughty slut, you need me to spank you! It seems like she's trying to show me that since my husband is not worthy of her, he is also not worthy of me, as my fan #1 and I should be together. She wants me all to herself, not tied down with a baby, b/c she fears if I have a child I will never leave my husband. Jeez, girl first thing this morning, on a Sunday nonetheless, you checked by blog around 7:30 AM to describe your pussy to me!! Sh*t...my email is on the right, girlie send me a pic and some biodata. My pussy and I take a bow.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post Troll: Sit Girl. Be Quiet. Good. Good Troll:

I can assure you you are not pregnant. Your husband is looking at my titties all day long and he loves to look at my beautiful white face. He knows he will never get anything from me. He knows. But he worships my white body, my pink pussy he imagines every night.

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Just a bit of information on fan #1 based on her comments: She is a light skinned woman who only prefers dark skinned Indians. She hates woman who have any color on their skin (probably b/c in actuality she is a brown desi that self-hates), BUT will only f*ck brown dicks. Funny, no? Like I said earlier in this post, I should have saved the comments to share with you all.


No fun! Why do you get all the crazy comments? This was too funny. Well done.

OMG. Hilarious.

hilarious, though i also agree with zed. yeesh! the internet is full of crazies who lack the inhibitions their moms taught them.

that said...i need to come up with posts top attract these nuts...hmmm....;-)

tamasha: thanks! I tried to be cheeky.

Zed: doing my best to laught off all the crazies.

ganesh: i'd say sex, yup sex attracts the nuts.

funny enough, i had my first stalker-like act in just the past hour: someone tracking down and emailing me on my personal email account.


ganesh: i'm sorry that sux. i used to post pics and i took them down b/c of nutjobs.

I hate editing my posts (which I did, every single post) b/c at one point someone tried to go through all of my archived posts to find out who i was. i just never thought someone would take that kind of time to track me down.
my blog is just not that effing interesting!

BUT, I have made some great in real life friends from my blog so it was all worth it.

She wants you. BAD.

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