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Mommies Group

When I was pregnant in December I joined a West L.A. mom’s group, to hang out with new mom or moms to-be. The first meeting was in January and I didn’t go. I didn’t want to be the only one there that was minus a baby. Plus, I was scared I’d come off as some creepo who seemed like she had some pregnant lady fetish. I emailed the organizer and told her I’d surely come to a meeting when I found out I was preggers. She was lovely as could be and encouraged me to come to join the ladies!

Yesterday the mommies group had a second meeting. I was scared to go. I know that I’m on this Law of Attraction challenge but sometimes the thought runs in my head that I’m being silly about all of this. Every time these thoughts enter my brain I immediately cancel them and visualize tubby. I decided that if I truly was at peace with believing that I was going to be a mom soon, then I should have no qualms about going to a mommies gathering… it’ll only be a little bit before I can start discussing my own pregnancy with the ladies.

I had a freaking blast last night. I was surrounded by lovely pregnant women energy and it was just awesome. When I got the “oh I’m so sorry you had a miscarriage” line, I quickly said thank you and assured everyone that while that did suck I was confident that tubby was on his/her way. I admitted to these ladies that by visualizing tubby, I truly believed I would have a Golden Pig Baby. I let them in on my secret, I’m testing on 3/12 and I know it will be positive.

No, I did not get strange looks from these women; I live in Los Angeles for goodness sakes. My set of beliefs was actually encouraged by the women. The organizer brought up The Secret and told me that she used the technique to attract her partner and her baby. My Law of Attraction faith was wavering just a tad bit, and I let God know that I needed a sign. The sign I needed was that once I ascertained my desires, wanting tubby, my desires would be fulfilled and that hope is indeed a good thing. I got my sign. Tubby is on his/her little way. Come here my little piggie!

So cute.

I had a miscarriage when my son was 9 months old, and the third time I got pregnant, I got twins. I felt like I got the one I lost in the second pregnancy (the miscarriage one), plus a new one in one shot.

Glad to see you're doing better, and who knows, you might get more than one this time!

I'm a piggie too! Your little tubby is on it's way...I can feel it. I told you not to worry about going to the group...I'm so glad you went! I hope my prego vibes are helping....now let's talk about this law of attraction thing....can I attract a big fat diamond?? hmm?? Or the L word? haha...

Positive thinking really does go a long way! I've realize that the past couple months in my life. I realized that visualizing really does help attract a positive energy. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the company of these ladies, and moreover, it seemed good for your soul! I hope you and tubby are doing wonderfully!

I'm glad you went to that group and had a blast!! Can't wait for the positive test results!!

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