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Day 5: Taipei, Taiwan

I'm not a planner. I like an adventure with minimal planning. I hopped on the MRT and got off at Shilin Station. It's almost impossible to find vegetarian food. I'm not much of a meat eater. If I do eat meat I want it to be organic. I eat the standard meats: chicken and seafood. Luckily I was able to find one vegetarian place called Vegetarian Kitchen.

I wandered Shilin for hours. Drank a bubble tea that was spiked with voldka. YUM. I had a pretty good buzz going on and decided to get my haircut. I know, stupid. It's never a good idea to get your haircut when you don't speak the language. I pointed out 2 pictures in magazines. I wanted bangs. The hair dresser didn't speak any English. During my haircut panic struck me -- would I need to wear a hat everyday? With a pile of black hair surrounding me, there really was no turning back. It came out okay. The cost $NT 400! ($1 = $NT 33).

Hubby's a spazz. He's totally against me wandering around Taipei when it's dark out. Taipei is totally a safe city. One of his workmates is from Taiwan and she told him that she thinks it's unsafe (THANKS A BUNCH BEYOTCH). She's from the uber upper crust and a bit too cautious. I didn't want to give hubby a headache so I complied with his request. I only spent an hour or so at the Shinlin Night Market @ Jaintan Station. The night markets sell tons of cool shit and Taiwanese snack foods. I asked one lady what meat she was selling. She drew me a picture of a hairy leg and hoof. I wanted to puke. I tried to get vegetarian fair.

Uhm, mystery meat is not vegetarian fair. Something got lost in translation.

The rest of the night is a haze from too much red wine.

Lovin the trip photos. Can't wait to come over to the new place when you get back

lmao. nice.

Love the hair! So jealous that you are there!

Sorry I've been kinda behind on posts, but love the bangs :-).

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