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Reason #1: Marriage before Baby

The reason to be married before you try to have a baby is b/c your body can do disgusting things.

I'm in this 2ww (two week waiting period). I'm hella gassy. Like painful gassy. It's not any sign of pregnancy. I generally get gassy before my period but I think all of the meds/HCG trigger shot have made me exponentially gassier. SUCKS BIG TIME. I look like a big fat pig.

Hubby: Let's make love
Me: My belly hurts.
Hubby: Oh no baby.
Me: I have gas.
Hubby: How can I help?
Me: Rub my belly

The belly rubbing forced the gas down and out. I'm a smelly smelly ham. But he's stuck with me!


The reasons to get married before having a baby only increase!

But it sounds like you have an excellent man by your side for things like belly rubbing and telling you you're gorgeous at 38 weeks pregnant :)

awwww....sick and cute all at the same time.

awww....sick and cute all at the same time...

hehe wait until you get pregnant - i've never experienced gas like this! i'm a farting machine!



I had no idea you were preggo. Congrats a million times! I'm sure you made a gorgeous pregnant lady:)

thanks!! i haven't announced it to the world yet but I'm 17 weeks. Can't wait for you to join the club!

pregnancy and gas seem to go hand in hand. and then there's childbirth! blood, fluids, puke, and even a BM!

it's good to know you've got a solid commitment with someone before you look like total crap in front of them!

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