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The Hopeless

So I'm not crying hysterically. It is what it is. I'm going to go through the motions of the fertility treatments. Insurance will cover 5 more rounds of IUI and 3 rounds of IVF. I just don't think it will be successful.

Well some of you are probably thinking -- why do these treatments if you don't have hope? Easy, this is science. Hope has shit to do with it. I just want to exhaust all of these procedures so everyone can just get off my back, forever. And I can once again say, "see I was right now STFU."

Listen & please listen well: you will never be a father, you will never be a grandmother/father & you will never be an uncle/aunt. Mark my words. Remember them well.

I may continue to blog about the treatments b/c they can be pretty fuckin' hysterical. We all need a good laugh.

I've lost my appetite for the weekend. At least it'll be easier to get inebriated. Cheers!