Tagged: To Write a 6 Word Poem

Belly filled with hope
Belly filled with hope
Tazzy Star just tagged me to write a six word poem. Clearly my pregnancy is on my thoughts. The above pic is from December 2006 when I was last pregnant. My skin was glowing. My breasts full. My belly fully of hope. What's strange, is that I will be due around the time I had my first miscarriage -- almost 2 years later.
I have to physically push the fears out of my mind about miscarriages and abnormal pregnancies. Everything is going just fine right now and that's all I have, but it's enough. On my drive to work, I chastised myself for having any doubts or pessimism. First all I wanted was just to ovulate -- then I wanted to just conceive -- then I just wanted the HCG numbers to double -- and now I want to see a heartbeat. Enough with the "just want this" mentality.
The six word memoir rules are:
write your own six word memoir.
post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
link to the person that tagged you in your post.
tag five more blogs with links.
leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Has it really been two years? That's crazy...inshallah, your tubby will be with us soon.
Posted by
Tazzy Star |
April 30, 2008 at 9:06 PM