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Don't Try to Change My Ultrasound Appointment

My doctor's office called today. Here's the thing, have a very valid reason if you want to change a patent's appointment that was confirmed almost 2 weeks ago.

I receive a telephone call at 12:15 PM

Lady: Hi, can you come in this afternoon?
Me: Uhm, isn't my appointment for tomorrow at 8:30 am?
Lady: Yeah, but can you come this afternoon?
Me: I'm at work... (I have conference calls and meetings already set up.. is she for real???)
Lady: Okay, can you come in tomorrow afternoon?
Me: Well, my husband agreed to come and he had to clear his schedule...
Lady: Oh, no worries.

WTF? Why bother calling me lady... you know how busy both of us are!!!

I'm feeling very emotional right now. Just got off the phone with hubby and he has to pull another all-fucking-nighter at the damn office. Fine, if he wants to deteriorate his health, that is his prerogative. But I can not and will not go to that office alone to hear possibly bad news and sob. I had to get my first m/c diagnosed alone and I can't do it again. I told hubby either he shows or I'm canceling my appointment

I'm so upset right now!!! And trust me when I say, I am the beacon of mother fucking understanding when it comes to his job. Seriously I don't complain a bit when birthdays or anniversaries or holidays are missed for the almighty J-O-B.

My baby is coming with me tomorrow to the ultrasound... poor thing. He'll be all bleary eyed from no sleep and totally puckered out:(

Congratulations! Don't stress it!

he's SO sweet to come! good luck.

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