Communing in Divinity
I miss the idea of what church could be. Imagine a place to commune together, share ideas, awaken our inner divine... A place that helps us be better. How awesome could this be for my girls and me!
Trust, I need at least a weekly reminder to keep my ego in check. I need community!!
Some find this connection with others and the divine at Mass or church (or with a shrink/therapist). "Church" is generally too traditional in form and substance for my taste. And to be totally real, many of these independent spiritul type places not connected with a major world religion creep me out. I watched one too many lifetime movies on cults. Just sayin'.
I need a credible suggestion for community divine connectedness. Suggestions (in Los Angeles would be even more lovely)?
AK: Your suggestion for Buddhism has been duly noted and I will fo' sure check out!!
Trust, I need at least a weekly reminder to keep my ego in check. I need community!!
Some find this connection with others and the divine at Mass or church (or with a shrink/therapist). "Church" is generally too traditional in form and substance for my taste. And to be totally real, many of these independent spiritul type places not connected with a major world religion creep me out. I watched one too many lifetime movies on cults. Just sayin'.
I need a credible suggestion for community divine connectedness. Suggestions (in Los Angeles would be even more lovely)?
AK: Your suggestion for Buddhism has been duly noted and I will fo' sure check out!!