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My girls teach me mindfulness everyday, what a blessing.  Toddlers can be frustrating.  My gawd, the whining is out of control.  They get so flipping frustrated.  They act out like petulant little children.

It would be easy to spiral out of control and join them in the whine, frustration, etc.  But I am their example.  I am their teacher.  I need to be mindful to discipline from a place of calmness, never anger.  I need to keep a check on what I say and how I say it -- these girls love to mimic me.  I also need to come from a place of yes.

What do I mean?  For example, "Mommy, I want to watch super why!!!"  I could say, "No.  B/c I said so."  Is this fostering communication?   Is this fostering my children to trust me, build confidence and become more empowered?  I don't think so.  I think this answer is better, "Okay honey.  Let's first go brush your teeth and get you breakfast in order. Then you can watch one episode, okay?"

Sometimes the girls are out of control impatient.  "Mommy I want this now!!!"  Sometimes, I just can't accommodate their request.  I think a good approach is to say, "I hear you. I hear that you want this now.  Unfortunately, we have to wait.  I love you."  Often, all they want is a bit of empathy.  Don't we all???

Every kids learns and grows at a different pace.  I need to honor and cherish my children for who they are.  This takes patience and lots of mindfulness.  So thank you A^2 for making me a better mother and person each and every time you pose me with a challenge (i.e., whine).


wow, I don't know how you do it! you are an amazing person to be able to reflect on this experience in such a positive light.

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