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Moments of Profound Clarity

I just knew that I was supposed to pick up the phone and call my bff.  So I did.  The conversation was authentic and open as always, but I had moments of profound clarity.  Two key points kept going through my mind:
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  • God/universe/divine consciousness supports us.  The divine is not some psychopath that enjoys human suffering and misery, or my unhappiness.  The divine wants me to be happy and fulfill my soul's journey.  The goal is to develop and be a better person -- to be authentically happy.
  • One example of the divine supporting me is that I have encountered the same problem/curse for a reason.  That unique issue is mine and mine alone.  I'm supposed to learn from it, grow from it.  I can't view it as a curse.  I have to dance with life and fully realize, look here, this problem AGAIN, the divine consciousness loves me and wants me to figure this shit out and believes I can.  Let's do it.  Let's grow.