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A Slice of Bliss

So much has happened recently that I've been marinating in the experience and reflecting without writing.  But today I received gentle reminders to blog. My partner (V) strictly reads financial news, sports, etc.  Today over dinner, I told him that my life is exactly what I wanted.  V replied, "You manifested your desires?  I noticed you haven't blogged in months.  I check your blog everyday."  I swooned. 

I met up with A. Daria for delicious pizza in Hollywood (a very late night dinner) and my blog came up.  The conversation was incredible as always, filled my heart with joy and motivated me to write.

V has a very unique view on life, but at the same time he dreams quite large.  He has conviction, yet he is practical in many ways.  After completion of my Reiki II, I am certain that my current career path is not the right one for me.  V's response often is, "Are you sure you want to give up something this good?  You may not find it again."  I have a very cool on paper job.  The gig sounds incredible.  I get to work from home.  At the same time I get paid well and it's super reliable (no recession lay-off type of practical). 

But here's the thing, staying at this job is settling.  The divine consciousness has given me the biggest sign that settling is ridiculous -- V.  In many ways I manifested V.  During my last year of grad school, before I made a one-way transcontinental move, I drove around for hours or would stay awake listening to heart wrenching love songs imagining this great love.  It was tragic, romantic and beautiful.  A year later, I found V and within a month we were married.  7 years later, I am madly in love with this man.  He's far from perfect.  But I love all of his faults, all of his neuroses; actually, I wouldn't change a damn thing about him.  I still find myself staring at his face, captivated.  Every single day my love for him deepens.  His love empowers me.  His love has transformed me.

I have found the kind of love that fills music sheets and blank canvases.  It's awe-inspiring.  I didn't settle.

So here's the thing, why would I settle for a job?  It's as if choosing to marry someone that I thought was okay, a good provider, stable, kinda interesting, not exactly unattractive and had sex with only out of obligation.  Why would I do that?

The divine conciousness has shown me that miracles happen.  I found V.  Anything can happen.

2012 is going to be an amazing experience.


omg what a beautiful post!! you did manifest your desires!!! so happy for you, and congratulations on completing reiki II, realizing your true potential, and having the courage to chase your dreams. I don't know what it is that you want to do, but I hope you keep blogging, what an amazing talent you have

Our conversation was an important reminder for me not to cave into my/others' fears and settle. It also reminded me that I can manifest what I want, an idea I struggle with all the time!

You are a beautiful, gentle, and wise spirit, and I am so thankful for you. <3

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