With all of this hustling and bustling around in L.A. traffic, I need my yoga. Yoga classes are expensive. I feel guilty splurging on yoga classes on top of my gym membership. The yoga classes at my gym are great, if you don’t have a job, and can do yoga during the middle of the work day. This free yoga gets delivered daily via internet. It’s also not the same boring routine you’re stuck with on a DVD. I’m a fan. Anything to lighten up my daily load.
Wake up each morning to a free one-hour yoga class from beautiful Jackson Hole,Wyoming. World class yoga instructors Adi Amar, Neesha Zollinger and Sarah Kline will take you through a session that focuses on strength building, flexibility, stamina, and meditation-in-motion. Yoga Today delivers a new show, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, keeping your workouts fresh and energizing.
If I am ambitious enough I can download the video at night and wake up in the morning to do yoga daily. Or maybe I enjoy sleep to much.
oh how i envy your commitment to physical and spiritual fitness. yoga is so great for maintaining both. i've also heard tai chi (sp?) is great as well.
thanks for the tip! i'll try the email thing. getting to an actual yoga class with my insane schedule is almost laughable.
oh and i meant to ask you how the acupuncture is going. i always loved my treatments. felt like a floaty jello cloud afterwards. :)
I work until 7P, and during extended hours, until 8P. There's really no time - and by time, I mean energy - to go to the gym during the week, like, ever.
Yay! Free Yoga from wonderful Wyoming. I'll have to bookmark that site! Thanks. With a toddler and another one on the way, doing Yoga at my house would be so great!
I did it during lunch and it's excellent. My one tip, it takes awhile to stream so connect to the site an hour in advance or the night before so you don't wait around for the yoga.
Work, damnit, just gets in the way of everything!
yoga shoga...forget all that jazz
Altho, a NAP in the middle of a work day would be a wonderful addition
jeet: but I would turn into a pudge-sicle!!
dude, THANK YOU for that yoga site. i just did today's routine and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. definitely bookmarking this site.
hope you are well! fyi, i'm back to reading. :)
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