Ode to Hubby
Hubby is my anchor. I couldn't have dreamed of having a more amazing hubby.
He's always put our relationship first. It's inspiring. It's everything he does from the spectacular to the mundane. Today he noticed that it might rain on my walk home from work and stopped by my office to drop off an umbrella with a bouquet of flowers!!! I never have to ask with him -- he just knows me so intimately.
Thank you for putting up with my crazy-ness. Thank you for believing in me . You are my life force. I know it's all possible b/c my husband never lets me give up. He accepts me as I am and pushes me towards greatness.
My utility is tied to his.
He's always put our relationship first. It's inspiring. It's everything he does from the spectacular to the mundane. Today he noticed that it might rain on my walk home from work and stopped by my office to drop off an umbrella with a bouquet of flowers!!! I never have to ask with him -- he just knows me so intimately.
Thank you for putting up with my crazy-ness. Thank you for believing in me . You are my life force. I know it's all possible b/c my husband never lets me give up. He accepts me as I am and pushes me towards greatness.
My utility is tied to his.
Oh boobie!!! I love you oh so. Bless this amazing woman who has filled my once empty life with so much happiness. I know that you can do anything that you set your mind to boo. I don't have anything in this world that compares to you. I love you oh so. When you are sad it makes me sad, when you are angry I get angry. Please stay happy and safe forever so that I don't drive myself insane. Love you more my beautiful princess.
Posted by
V |
November 28, 2005 at 1:30 PM
aww, i feel a bit weird commenting on this spot, especially with the previous comment, but i just had to say...i like vijay! =)
and yes, i am forwarding your blogpost to my boyfriend as a reminder that good men do exist, he's (my boy) not the only one.
Posted by
Chai |
November 29, 2005 at 6:38 PM
Awwwww, definitely a keeper!!!
Posted by
eve |
November 30, 2005 at 2:16 AM
I hope the love and romance you two seem to share lasts a lifetime.
It's refreshing.
Are you newly weds? That means under two years of marriage?
You two must have alot in common to be so close for more than a year.
Now I can see why you said you'd rather be home cooking gourmet and sucking your hubby's you-know-what.
With a man and relationship that sweet - who wouldn't want to suck?
Best of luck to the both of you!
Posted by
Pardesi Gori |
December 19, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Hey Paradesi -- I'm feeling nostalgic today and re-reading my posts and saw your recent comment. We're no longer newly weds -- celebrated our 2 year anniversary on 9/8.
Thank you for your comment. We have a routine -- hubby can work pretty late hours at his office but when he comes home we lie down in our bed and spend time just talking to each other. The bad thing is, an hour easily goes by and we end up being sleep deprived. But as with most of us, our lives are so hectic, that time I have with him is sacred.
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
December 22, 2006 at 4:05 PM