CASA of Los Angeles is currently recruiting Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers. Trained volunteers investigate the circumstances of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect and placed in protective custody. CASA volunteers advocate for the best interest of foster children both in court and in the community.
The actors did so well in the story, especially the child actors in
the role of Maya and Sanjay, that you could not help being deeply affected by the film. Shot in sepia tones, the film brings to the audience the whimsy of rural life in South India, from the perspective of a well-to-do family, but the same whimsy turns into horror. Although these practices are not very common in the educated strata of Indian society, by choosing to make Maya's family an educated lot it seems that the director was trying to hit the message harder - that this is not a piece of fiction, but a gruesome reality. The fact that this is not merely yet another appalling ritual of India was evident from the director's strong message at the end of the film - 'Child abuse is not a cultural phenomena, nor it is bound by region.'
I still shudder, at times, when the stark image of four men who use
religion and illiteracy to rape a girl barely in her teens, and the mass of people who consider it a part of everyday reality, creeps up in my mind. As far as I know, no scripture sanctions such actions. They are just cultural practices created by man in an attempt to exercise sexual, and by extension, patriarchal control. Hopefully movies like these will bring these issues to light, no matter how sickening they are to watch, and some public action will be taken.
“Curl Girl” is the title of a fantastic book for all you peeps with curly/wavy hair. According to this book, 65% of people have curly/wavy hair (we’re not alone out there – though both Bollywood and Hollywood seem to glorify straight hair).
Trust me I’ve thought about getting my hair permanently straightened – we’re told that curls aren’t professional – they’re too fun – and of course not sophisticated. Well this book basically says it’s not your hair that needs straightening – it’s your head. Seriously, I have curly hair and I hide from it and slave away trying to straighten out my locks – sheer craziness.
So last week I tried to research on how to get my curls to look good and all sources pointed to this book. Here are a few of the secrets:
The book had tons more info – but this is the main “how to” gist. I have been trying for the past month to wear my hair curly. As soon as the hair dried – I hated it – it looked disgusting… and of course I would pull out my straightening iron AGAIN. This book last week was my salvation. My hair completely rocks today – bouncy, fun, full, sex-i-licious. Where’s hubby now? My hair is HOT – curls are rocking!!!!!!