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My Eczema Story: Chines Medicine, Leaky Gut & So Much MORE!

Eczema blows.  You get mad itchy -- so crazy itchy that it's quite easy to scratch off your skin -- then the skin heals and gets dry -- and then itchy again -- your skin starts to look NASTY.  I had eczema as a kid in Connecticut and it went into remission when I moved to California.  But then we did a stint in DC and the eczema came right back and followed me back to LA.

The eczema on my hands has been terrible (deep cuts in my fingers).  Some eczema above my upper lip and around my neck.  I saw many dermatologists and they told me the same thing -- sorry, no  solution for you, but here's some steroids for your skin, just be careful because it can eat away your skin.  *le sigh* But recently the eczema got crazy and I could see it on my arm and I freaked!  The eczema was spreading!

How?  Why?  I do yoga 3-4 times a week.  I meditate. I eat pretty healthy.  Tell me it ain't so...

Chinese Medicine

Guided by intuition I googled Chinese medicine and eczema and found a Chinese doctor in DTLA.  He put me on a 2 week treatment plan where I received once a week acupuncture treatments and a herbal tincture/tea to drink 3 times a day.  The herbal medicine was my primary treatment.  He told me that I had a fire in my stomach (inflammation) and that's the reason my stomach didn't convert food to energy as efficiently or elimination toxins.  In other words, my body sucked at providing itself proper nutrients and getting rid of junk/toxins.  The medicine immediately made me stop itching.  MIRACLE.  But this miracle came with a price -- drinking ass water 3 times a day (I shit you not, ass water).  It was the most heinous thing I have ever drank in my life.  I hated it.  I pinched my nose and shot gunned it down. GROSS is an understatement.

Chinese herbs

I was also told to avoid the following foods during the treatment:
  • soda, coffee chocolate;
  • fried & spicy food (too many stimulants):
  • seafood (especially shellfish);
  • dairy (milk, cheese, butter, etc.) & eggs;
  • nuts & seeds;
  • alcoholic drinks; and
  • tropical fruit (kiwi, mango, pineapple, coconut, etc.)
I was told to eat more cooling foods:
  • watermelon; and
  • veggies (carrot, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, cabbage).
Lastly, I was supposed to avoid chemicals (i.e., chlorinated pools), newly constructed areas, dusty stuff, bug bites, and direct sunlight.  

2 weeks later -- My eczema was almost gone.  My hands were just about healed.  I wasn't as dry anymore.  My skin wasn't as dry!!The doctor wanted me to drink 2 more weeks of herbal medicine which is both pricy and nasty so I declined.  I felt as if the fire in my belly was under control and I could figure it out on my own. 

Leaky Gut

Okay, if my body wasn't absorbing nutrients properly, maybe I didn't have the right bacteria in my gut.  The bacteria (so many diverse species) break down food in our gut.  I started taking daily probiotics (my belly immediately felt better).  I also started taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil in my daily green smoothie.

Clean Eating

Maybe it's a blessing or maybe it's a curse, but my body is really sensitive when I don't take care of it (i.e., get stressed which leads to immediate itching) or don't eat good clean food.  So I have no other choice than being healthy all the time.  Yoga & clean eating help keep the itching down to the point where it's almost all gone!

Elimination Diet

I'm basically staying on the Chinese doctor's diet (but I eat spicy food now).  I got itchy 2 hours after eating a hard boiled egg.  I woke up with wet outbreaks on my hands after eating wheat for dinner.  I dry brushed my skin.  Slathered on lavender oil and meditated (wet wraps, i.e., wet paper towels, work very well for crazy itching).  The itchy went away and I didn't break my skin with scratching.  I'm a vegeterian and it sucks losing both eggs and wheat.  I'll try these foods again in a month and see if I can beat the allergic reaction.  Corn seems to be undecided.  I'm pretty sure that dairy doesn't jive with my body but I will definitely do a test.

Final Thoughts

Eczema does not control me.  I can actually break the cycle of wet blisters, itching, scabs and dry skin.  I've been able to break the cycle for a month now.  My  hands look great and I can actually get a manicure without getting scared looks from the manicurist!  The eczema is not gone, but it no longer seriously impacts my life.  I only get itchy after I eat trigger foods (still continuing the elimination diet) or get stressed out.  I'm going to 100% beat this and I am just about there.

My stress has been greatly reduced by leaving my job 6 months ago to stay at home with my 3 young kids. I go to yoga 4 times a week and practice daily meditation with reiki.  Thank you eczema for teaching me to be more mindful every moment about my mind, spirit and body.

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