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The Hills Stink

The b-day party was so good. I am soooo wasted. The best part of it all is that my dad, my husband and I are all wasted together. My mom got so wasted that she passed out.

Yes, these are folks from Bangladesh. I love my parents. My mom partied with me b/c it was my b-day.

The food was orgasmic: beef vindaloo, chicken curry, basmati rice, chana masala, dahl, bindi masala, rashmali, burfi, cake, mango lassi... ORGASMIC.

How did my parents convert my simple apartment to party central? These people are unreal.

The only problem was my location. Many friends and I do mean many got so horrifically lost. A good handful had to leave b/c they couldn't find parking. I live in a parking only with permit zone and kinda never knew it. Hubby and I park in our garage and didn't realize what hell our parking situation really is. I feel horrible.

I need a house. I nice beautiful house where I have a proper formal dining room. A house where I have my own parking spots to accomadate guests. Hubby, are you listening to this? Next b-day I'd like a house in one of the other hills i.e. Beverly Hills. Posted by Picasa

No! You can't move to Pretentiousville!

Despite the parking sitch, we all had a good time. And the food went right up my snout. Yum.

Sounds so yummy! Happy B-day!

Thanks CM!

I'm currently munching on leftovers.

Roonie -- It's no Bay Area, that's fo' sho'. Wishful thinking... maybe I'll be back in the Bay.

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