Thursday, October 19, 2006

Nature in LA


Even in LA you can get away from the hustle and bustle and take a nice hike in Griffith Park. Posted by Picasa

My Love Affair with LA

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Today is utterly divine. I have the entire day off from work, not just today, but every Thursday. I love sitting here in my apartment, the windows open, sun shining in, hearing the hustle and bustle of the City and having the absolute freedom to do whatever I please.

It was sooo nice to sleep in. I am siked about being able to go to yoga during the middle of the day. I have the time to indulge in myself. After yoga, a nice long shower (if hubby was home a nice long shower with him would be preferred), then I will do my hair, play with makeup and put on a hot outfit and look like a rockstar. Generally, I'm in the office by 7:30 and never have the time to do anything else but throw my hair in a ponytail, brush my teeth and moisturize my face.

I'm simply loving having time for myself. I need to find a job with less then 30 hours a week that I can do from home. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Getting Knocked Up

Who would ever have thought that getting knocked up could be so difficult with so many horror stories of unwanted pregnancies/accidents?

I’m kinda pissed. From age 12 (when I got my first period), I’ve always been irregular. My period likes to be on vacation and doesn’t visit often. I am always late, sometimes a month or two, for no rhyme or reason. For example, I had my last period on August 30th and have not had it since (and no I’m not preggers). I’ve been going to an OBYGN since age 18 and my doctor has never thought my irregular cycle was a problem EXCEPT for the visit I had 2 weeks ago when I told my OBGYN that hubby and I were trying to get preggers. Once I told her about my irregularity in conjunction with the fact I'm trying to have a baby, she scared the living daylights out of me and stated, "wow, I'm really worried about your fertility you might have some cysts on your ovaries ... we need to run a battery of tests". Oh joy -- lots of poking with needles. The test came back all normal. The OGBYN is still very concerned. Now I’m concerned.

OBGYN and I have been playing phone tag for the past week, but in each message she leaves for me, she tells me that something has to be “done” regarding my irregular cycle. I just don’t like this. I know that I shouldn’t jump the gun and get ultra-paranoid but it’s hard to not worry about this issue. I just want to be able to have a healthy baby.

Is it so hard to ask that my husband be able to knock me up? Well I’ll certainly do my part every night in trying to get knocked up.. on that note – Ciao hubby’s home!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Drugstore Dior

Wow. I am in shock and can't believe what I'm going to write next. I have been having bloggin'-writer's block and of course my favorite topic (well second favorite after sex), makeup, brought back my writing inspiration.

Tom, one of my brother's friends, came with my brother for an impromptu visit. This boy is 23 years old and well looks like a hippy; however, his hair is perfect. He has gorgeous curly ringlets. I asked him what the secret to his curly bliss was and he replied, the "shower and shake" method. Well I put away my expensive Bumble & Bumble hair products and tried the shower and shake. I took a shower and used my ordinary shampoo and conditioner. I squeezed my damp hair in the shower. I went in front of the bathroom, flipped my hair upside down, violently shook my hair and that was it. I'm not kidding. My hair is now dry and it looks good. Sure there's a tiny bit of frizz but overall I'm impressed – really impressed. No product, no blow dryer with diffuser, no slaving over my hair and I got a good hair day.

With the good hair day sans spending mad money, I decided to walk over to Rite Aid during lunch and buy drug store mascara. I never thought I would ever buy drug store mascara – I'm sorry I'm a mascara snob. I love va va voom lashes – lashes that look fake -- and use either DiorShow of Super Nova by Fresh for $25 a tube. I purchased Revlon's Fabulash Mascara for $6.99 b/c it came with my choice of free eye shadow (hard for a makeup junkie like me to pass up). I of course saved the receipt b/c I had no doubt this mascara would suck. I went into my office and applied two coats and I'm in shock. Shock I tell ya. My eyelashes look fab. Literally fab. I kid you not. Sure my lashes could be a wee bit more voluminous (I'll try 3 coats tomorrow) but I'm kinda in love. My lashes are extremely long, curled sans the eyelash curler and pretty damn thick. For $6.99 I'm siked.

So this is the beginning of a new way of thinking for me. I can purchase drugstore mascara for under $10 and get pretty fabulous lashes. Don't get me wrong, I will always have on stock my Fresh or DiorShow for parties and such but for everyday wear I may be switching to drug store mascara. I feel guilty even preaching this blasphemy. But this will start a new chapter on this blog – the drug store makeup review.

Friday, October 6, 2006

High Profile Job

Hmmm... yeah, scratch what I said in my last post. Hubby came home at 2 AM last night and had to be in the office by 6:30 AM this morning for a meeting with the client on the East Coast. It's past midnight and hubby is still at work, going 17 hours straight at this point with 4 hours of sleep the night before.

I on the other hand did my 8 hrs of government work. Came home, cooked some saag paneer for Iftar tomorrow and headed off to Santa Monica to meet a friend for dinner at Real Food Daily and of course the Thursday night line up at ABC. While hubby is at working contemplating some merger and acquisition, I'm contemplating what to do with my free time, go to bed, read the book for my book club or perhaps straighten my hair. Oh the options that exist with oodles of free time.