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Letter Not Meant To Alienate Anyone*

Dear Family & Friends:

Yes, my miscarriage was confirmed this morning via ultrasound.

Please do not call me and ask me how I am doing. I could smile and laugh and tell you that I was okay but that would be pointless. I am fucked up right now. And no, I don’t want to talk about my feelings. I’m not ready to talk about “it”.

Don’t give me your sympathy or pity because I simply don’t want it. Please do not send me holiday cheer because Christmas can go fuck itself. No holiday cheer here, thank you very much.

I am not trying to be mean, but I haven’t gotten a new cell phone as of yet, even though I feel crippled with my cell phone being dead, because I don’t want to talk to you and answer the “how are you feeling” questions. Please understand.

And really, no advice. I don’t need your advice on soldiering up or how time heals all wounds. Thanks, keep the clichés for some other tortured soul.

All I can do right now is simply be. It’s hard enough to get out of bed. I can’t do anymore than that right now. Maybe in the near future I can transform from just “being” to “living”. Don’t hold your breath.

Fucked Up,

Bengali Chick

*Please don’t be offended. I am not trying to offend anyone. I know my friends and family are amazing. I just want to get through this alone and I know that when I’m ready to come to you, you will be there. Love you.


You are right- everything I want to say does sound cliche. So instead, I am sending you my love.

Love you!

You will be in my prayers, may god give you the strengh to get through this.

i really didn't want to jump to conclusions on your last post ... ((hugs))

Sending you much peace and sunshine and strength, lovely lady. We'll definitely be around when we need us.

sending hugs.
lots of them.

We each have to cope in whatever way we need to... I don't think anyone could be offended by what you wrote. I'm praying for you, sending love your way from DC.

I'm sendin' positive thoughts/vibes ur way.

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I'm sending you a huge hug bengali chick. Just to let you know dear, I've been there too, my second pregnancy (before the twins) ended in a miscarriage. When you are up to talking about it, e-mail me at chic.mommy@hotmail.com.

Love you lots my dear. sending good thoughts and wishes your way. ((hugs))

I have read. I have listened. I am thinking about you.

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