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The Best and Worst Valentine's Day

This blog needs a little lightening up.


I went over to my boyfriend's house. I saw a bouquet of red roses on the counter.

Me: Are those for me?
Him: No, they're for my other girlfriend.
Me: What?
Him: Well, she isn't here yet so I suppose you can have them.

I dumped him that day.


My first year of marriage, hubby and I had zero money. We were literally living paycheck to paycheck. I had a temp job and hubby was still in school. Splurging meant splitting a burrito that cost $4.25 for dinner. Worst yet, his parents cut him off for eloping and we were left with $35k+ per year tuition. Luckily his parents gave him $200/month for gas and food. Hubby saved every penny to buy me a diamond heart pendant and necklace.

The tears stood in my eyes when I read the part about the diamond heart pendant and the necklace:)

The tears stood in my eyes when I read about the diamond pendant. I'm sure even if you got a diamond in the future worth a million more in value, it'd be worth a penny in comparision in your heart compared to that pendant and chain:)

So sweet (the second example). As for the first . . . what troubles me is the thought that your ex possibly thought that he did nothing wrong. argh. sometimes men can be so dumb!

So Bengali Chick, tell me, where are all the good ones like your husband hiding?

was ex-boyfriend serious or was he making a really bad joke?

Of course he did. Hubby is a very good saver.

I've never seen this necklace, have I?

ummm. how is $200 a month being "cut off"? i've never gotten any money since my 25 cents a week allowance abck in grade school.

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