Call me a pig, but I ate this entire piece of cake with a cup of chai. Yummers.
Mani's Bakery in Los Angeles offers scrumptious baked goods that are wheat free!!! I maybe a skinny b*tch, but I can out eat my husband, I make my daddy
very proud. I was surrounded by other skinny b*tches that were feasting on platters of lettuce. Two twenty-something, Hollywood guys walked past me and my ginormous slice of cake and were happily shocked:
Guy 1: Dude, check out that chic and her huge slice of cake.
Guy 2: That is effing awesome.
Guy 1: Hella awesome.
that IS hella awesome! good on you and your huge cake slice. people need to eat more, seriously.
PS: i'm assuming Guy1 ("Hella awesome") is from NorCal. yay!
Posted by
yasmine |
March 18, 2007 at 1:21 PM
I stumbled on this site by accident and I see this is a site in which a woman is in love with herself! An obsessive love, so crazy I cannot believe it. You are compassion-less and quite foolish. I cannot believe all the typos on this site. I looked at pretty much all the entries and I conclude this is one very very sad loser who is writing this.
Posted by
Anonymous |
March 18, 2007 at 1:27 PM
Men who love women who eat are the best kinds of men out there.
Posted by
Rush |
March 18, 2007 at 1:53 PM
Anon: Hello my little troll, you are back!!! You can't hide your IP address from me darling. I do love myself.
And you love me too.. b/c you can't stop reading my blog. You read every single post, you are obsessed! Single Brown Female, enjoy yourself.
Yasmine & Rush: Yes, women should always enjoy food. Love the word "hella."
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
March 18, 2007 at 2:15 PM
...right on!...eating is right up there w/breathing as far as i'm concerned...luckily i have great metabolism (touch/knock/pound on wood!) and i could prob out eat both the husband and my daddy...and proud of it!...
ps my $0.02 re the troll...ignore them/he/she/it...every time you respond to the rantings, they prob get a high and want some more...publish the comments but totally ignore them and that'll hpfully due the trick in due time...
Posted by
Anonymous |
March 19, 2007 at 5:22 AM
Hey ash. Thanks for the 2 cents. I tried doing that for months, and the comments were much worse (if you can believe that). I think this person gets a kick out of having a dialog with me. I may just have to ban anon comments.
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
March 19, 2007 at 5:33 AM
I actually hate it when people see me and assume I'm skinny because I eat lettuce cups for dinner and then hit the bathroom right after. Until they see me eat that is. I love this thing called metabolism, unfortunately it doesn't stay forever. That cake looks YUM! =D
Came to your site through Chai's and just browsed around. Nice blog, I'll be a frequent visitor. =)
Posted by
A wavering feather... |
March 19, 2007 at 5:40 AM
I actually hate it when people see me and assume I'm skinny because I eat lettuce cups for dinner and then hit the bathroom right after. Until they see me eat that is. I love this thing called metabolism, unfortunately it doesn't stay forever. That cake looks YUM! =D
Came to your site through Chai's and just browsed around. Nice blog, I'll be a frequent visitor. =)
Posted by
A wavering feather... |
March 19, 2007 at 5:40 AM
I actually hate it when people see me and assume I'm skinny because I eat lettuce cups for dinner and then hit the bathroom right after. Until they see me eat that is. I love this thing called metabolism, unfortunately it doesn't stay forever. That cake looks YUM! =D
Came to your site through Chai's and just browsed around. Nice blog, I'll be a frequent visitor. =)
Posted by
A wavering feather... |
March 19, 2007 at 5:41 AM
Feather, thanks for visiting. Jealous of your kick ass metabolism!
Posted by
Bengali Chick |
March 19, 2007 at 5:45 AM
Oh hell yeah men love women who eat! After my last boyfriend I decided I wanted to be with a man who had a healthy relationship with food and women and those relationships coexisted well.
The man I'm with now probably wouldn't date me if I didn't eat normal food because he loves the eat. The pig I used to date would love to eat like one but expected me to eat like a mouse. Not happening ever again.
And you know what I don't really care that I'm not skinny either :-)
Posted by
Janeofalltrades |
March 21, 2007 at 11:14 AM