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Only in West Hollywood

Well maybe not only in West Hollywood does a dude use the following pick up line, if I can call it that….

[Setting Trader Joe’s Parking Lot on Santa Monica Blvd.]
Dude: Wow, dude is that your car?
Me: Yes
Dude: Wow, that’s a hybrid.
Me: Yup.
Dude: You’re awesome dude. That’s awesome for the environment. You’re awesome. Pretty awesome car, pretty awesome chic. [Giggling]
Dude: Thanks, I gotta go.

Did I mention that dude was stoned out of his mind, heading to Trader Joe’s I’m sure for munchies? Did I mention I live in Southern California, where hybrids are literally everywhere? Dude was a clever one.



It is so not cool when a dude calls a chick dude when trying to pick her up. Yuck.

I don't car how common hybrids are in CA- there are a lot of people that have Hummers too out here. I always make it a point to thank hybrid drivers! Always!

So thank YOU for driving a hybrid!!!

Tamasha: No it's not cool. I actually had a guy that I dated call me dude. Effing unbelievable.

T.: Thank you:)

What type of hybrid do you own? I just tried the civic hybrid and really liked it. The prius is nice, but doesn't look very cute :) I definitely want my next car to be a hybrid . . . any suggestions?

Your husband was really desiring me today. He has been looking at me incessantly at a meeting. He is really attracted to blondes!

I think he was genuinely impressed with your concern for the environment, albeit a mite stoned as well. I know I love your Hybrid, too.

pritilata: i own the civic, it got higher safety ratings. I love it.

anon: honey, you started your day fantasizing again? you're a silly goat! hubby just left to go the office. you and your make believe!

roonie: i do love my hybrid. i like the fact that she is gray-purple.

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