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Unf*cking believable

Remember this post? I went to drop off my rent check with my landlady. I know her. Let me repeat, I KNOW HER. She rescued hubby and me from a trapped elevator last summer.I usually look like ass when I see her. Today I was dressed up with my glasses on. I am running out of disposable contacts and couldn't get an appointment for 2 weeks so I'm hoarding my contacts. She always sees me with my glasses. I have very unique glasses from Denmark. I wouldn't consider them unforgettable, still she did not recognize me.

Here's the conversation:

Me: Hey, here's my rent check.
Landlady: Are you apt. #216?
Me: No, #316.
Landlady: Have we met?
Me: Yeah many times.
Landlady: You're (insert Hubby's name)'s wife????
Me: Yeah, it's me.
Landlady: I had no idea you were so beautiful. You're beautiful.
Me: Yeah, I guess you must see me when I do the roll out of bed and rush to the office look.
Landlady: Wow, you're just a different person. Unbelievable.
Me: Uhm, thanks. Bye!

My friends, I love you, but the truth is I look like ass w/o makeup. I look like a different human being. This has happened too many times in my life.

God bless Sephora.

**if I didn't have f*cking trolls trying to stalk me, I would happily post a before and after pic.


I think you look pretty without makeup, but I can see how you feel this way

For me, I think I look nasty without makeup. With makeup, I think I look okay. Makeup makes me unnasty, but not gorgeous. I am thankful for that much!

Yeah, I can see where youre coming from. However, I do think you look pretty without makeup.

Makeup isnt as powerful for me though. Without it, I am NASTY. With it, I think I look okay, not stunning. It makes me unnasty. And thats good enough for me. Thank You makeup!

bc, obviously i don't know what you look like in real life, but i have a hard time believing you look terrible w/o makeup. i actually know several people who have the "different person" thing going on; one time, a student walked into my room and i did not recognize her without makeup even though it was may or something. with every single one of these people, i have found that although they are pretty gorgeous with makeup on, it's only because they have a natural beauty underneath. and i really prefer their natural look, not their face covered with all that goop. soooo ... i'm pretty sure i'd prefer you au naturel, no matter what you say :)

It's very honest of you to share this. Not many girls would have the honesty or guts to admit that! ;) But I think that the law of attraction might have something to do with it (as another reader had mentioned). Fuck to the stupid troll, I would have loved to see a pre and post makeup pic! Oh well. But please, more on makeup tips and what you use and how you use!

Wow, agk! That was such a nice comment!

I think I also look not-so-pretty without makeup. When I do wear makeup, rather than the roll-out-of-bed and run look, people always say "Oh, my gosh, you're so pretty!" It irks me a little, because I don't want to have to paint my face to get compliments like that.

I suppose I should count my blessings where I can get them. At least I can look pretty with Sephora's aid versus looking like butt always.

My brother once grew out an afro and on TWO separate occasions I didn't recognize him. Once was at my parents' house. I was wondering who the guy with the big hair playing with my niece was, and why we were letting big-haired strangers play with the baby.

I believe that you can look totally different with makeup and in glasses. Worked for Clark Kent, didn't it?

"My friends, I love you, but the truth is I look like ass w/o makeup"
Hey, u look like that even with make-up on!


Oh hello my little troll munchkin! Sweetheart, when have you ever seen me in person? Do I know you? Come now, don't be shy! Don't play coy!

Don't believe this one, folks. BC looks amazing without makeup on. She is drop-dead gorgeous au natural or diva-ed out...and me and Hubby both think so!

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