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Energy Blockage

Conscious and unconscious stress or negativity block my energy flow and the build up occurs at my neck. My neck always hurts, but not when I'm chillaxing or having fun. As soon as my acupuncturist inserts her needles into my shoulders the pain instantly vanishes. The acupuncturist suggested that I do yoga to help my energy blockage. I tried out this 55 second video and the pain in my neck disappeared almost instantly. Try it!


I know I'm always filled with crazy ideas... but have you heard of Migun? It's a thermal massage bed, and you have to try it. They have centers all over, and they are free because they believe so strongly in their product. So you can just walk in, sign your name up and when there is a free bed, you lay down on it for about 30 minutes and you get the most amazing massage. The idea is that you try it as long as you like (I met people there who have been going several times a week for months) until you decide you just have to buy one to have in your home. I've been twice and both times the center has been packed with people waiting to try. Let me know if you go and what you think.

oh! i'm having neck problems up the yinyang this week!! :) thanks for all the links to the yoga online. very generous of you!! i LOVE the post above - i hope to get some of that loving feeling soon with the special one too :). your marriage fills me with hope :).

Zed- There's no doubt in my mind that you will find an amazing partner. Positive people attract other positive people.

Mona: I'm going to try it out!

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