Friday, November 30, 2007

The Almost Missed Flight

I must have been smoking crack b/c I was positive my flight today from Denver, CO to Los Angeles was at 8:42 am. Being oh so responsible, I signed up for the 6 am airport shuttle. I woke up this morning and leisurely packed. I munched on leftover gluten-free pizza from the night before. I decided to take a quick look at my paper itinerary.

The “Oh FUCK” moment. My flight left at 7:15 am and it was 5:35 am. Oh fuckity fuck. I was panic-stricken. I threw all of my shit into my luggage and ran to the front desk. I don’t think I was speaking comprehendible English since I walking talking in my hyper-Bengali Chick-anxiety voice (1,000 words/minute). The front desk lady calmed my ass down and told me there was a taxi outside. Apparently, someone had ordered a taxi but wasn’t ready to depart. I got in the taxi and struck up a conversation with the Ethiopian driver. He told me about his wife and his 3 small boys with pride. The conversation helped to ease my nerves. He was very sweet and guaranteed me that I’d be at the airport no later than 6:15 am.

I arrived at the airport at 6:05 am. I flew out of the taxi to the Frontier Airlines curbside check-in. Another, “Oh FUCK” moment. I had left my laptop in the cab. Are you kidding me, this is my day??? I once again hysterically called the hotel. They said they would try to contact the cab driver and took down my cell phone number. I couldn’t risk missing my flight. I had to be at LAX in order to catch my flight to Taiwan. I ran to the security line. I was numb with worry. My cell phone started ringing. The cab driver called and told me that he noticed my laptop and dropped it off at the curbside check-in for Frontier Airlines. I had no idea how to get back to the curbside check-in. The Denver Airport is massive. A woman noticed the stress on my face. She offered to help. She took the time to physically bring me to curbside check-in. The man at curbside check-in assured me that my laptop had been sent to my gate. The running started. I ran to the security line and then I literally sprinted to my gate.

I stood in front of the Frontier Airline desk and tried to catch my breath. In between pants I asked the front desk lady about my laptop. She told me no one had sent her a laptop. At this point, I just lost it. Tears started streaming down my face. FUCK ME. I might have lost my laptop. This day just sucked. She was so kind and reassured me that she would do her best to locate my laptop. I started praying. In just a few minutes someone from Frontier brought me my laptop. Sweet relief. Never have I been happier to be on a plane with all bags in tow.

When I arrived at LAX I stopped by the bookstore. I already had a travel guide and wanted to pick up a fiction book. I spotted a good book but it was $15. The cheap girl inside of me kept me from buying it. But, I then spotted the same book for $7.99. I commented to the bookstore sales lady, “I’m so happy I found this book for $7.99.” She said to me, “This is your lucky day.” I said, “Yes, it sure is.”

I could look at this day and say woe is me -- how did I get such bad luck! Or I can be grateful for the following things:
-I made my flight to fucking Taiwan and I am going to board in 1 hour.
-There was a cab waiting outside of my hotel in the exact moment I needed one.
-My cab driver noticed my laptop and was sweet enough to drop it off. I wonder if my friendliness with him during our ride had anything to do with it. We chatted and shared a good amount of personal details from our life. He told me about his mother passing and I told him of my father’s recent death.
-A complete stranger walked me to curbside check-in.
-The Frontier Airline front desk woman responded to my situation with complete and total kindness. She didn’t have to, she chose to.
-A Buddhist Priest on her way to Tokyo started a conversation with me. Her voice, her words filled me up with positive energy. She assured me I’d have a baby.
-While I waited to board the train I asked a Taiwanese woman where she got her McDonald’s. I desperately wanted a diet coke. She didn’t understand me. She just smiled. But when I looked up from my laptop, the Taiwanese lady stood in front of me and offered me her remaining fries and water. I almost cried. She wanted to give me her food. That’s so unbelievably kind.

I am swooning in gratitude. The kindness of strangers does not cease to amaze me. Such incredible beautiful kindnesses today have nourished my spirit. Days like this, surprisingly enough, inspire me to be a better person.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Officially a Homeowner!!!

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
And I know I know I know I know I know I want to be in my house!

We fucking closed!
Title is mine! Keys are mine! *Doing the happy dance*

This is so surreal. I'm a homeowner. *Doing the happy dance*

Friends, come visit me!!! I have not just one but two guest rooms. Each guest room has it's own full bath.

Come dance with me!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Aww.. Miss My Old Blog

I got such a sweet email today from a former reader of my old blog:

Hi Bengali Chick,
I saw your comment on Chicmommy's blog entry and thought I'd write to you on the email address given on your profile there. I used to be very avid reader of your blog and loved it! I used to comment once in a while (a****) and was very disappointed when you stopped blogging :( but it was understandable. I just wanted to drop a line to see how you were doing, if you were blogging again (hopefully!) and how your babies are doing. When are you due? (Last I remember from your blog, you had just become preganant). I hope all is well with you and the family!
Take care,

She seems like a very nice girl. I'm just so wary of people on the i-net after that whole troll- outing debacle. I didn't tell her about my new blog. I like being underground, safe and cozy here.

I miss meeting new cool ass people from blogging. Le Sigh.

All of you bloggers I haven't met yet, or the ones I have met, holler at me when you're in Los Angeles. I want to meet you or see you again!

Lame Catch Up Post

Being in Aurora, CO SUCKS. I'm in butt fug no where. I guess at the very least I appreciate living in Los Angeles. The hotel is disgusting. My classmates are typical bureaucrats. I feel trapped in my hotel.

Good news is that we closed on our house. We get the title tomorrow!!!!

I leave for Taiwan this Friday.

I'll blog from Taiwan. I feel drained being in this environment.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm drenched in gratitude today. Happy Happy Thanksgiving my blogging buddies.

  • I am grateful for my husband. There is simply no greater joy in my life.
  • I am grateful that my mother and I are finally friends, best of friends.
  • I am grateful for my brother, he may love me more than anyone else in this world.
  • I am grateful for Shiny. There is no better match for my brother. I can't imagine someone who would fit as well into our crazy and kooky family.
  • I am grateful for Dilly who has been my best friend since I was 12 years old. She is my kindred spirit, my forever friend.
  • I am grateful for my in-laws. As much as they drive me absolutely bonkers, they love my husband fiercely.
  • I am grateful for my new house!!! We get the keys this Monday. This is my dream home in my dream location.
  • I am grateful that I have the opportunity to go to Taiwan from 11/30 - 12/10. I'm tagging along on hubby's business trip.
  • I am grateful for all of my friends. You make me a better person. You fill my life with happiness.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Have No Words....

I love my husband to death. He is amazing. God bless him for being thrifty, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to buy a bomb ass house.

But thriftiness can go so far....

[Gmail Chat]

me: we NEED a truck. the van will NOT fit the bed

hubby: my brother and i will carry the bed.

me: shut the hell up. that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard in my entire life.
you're going to carry a bed 1 mile?????

hubby: yeah, it's light.


hubby: OR one of us can sit on top of the van and hold the bed. My brother and I can definitely carry it together.

me: you make me crazy

hubby: You Americans -- so spoiled. In India they sit on top of buses.

me: You ARE American and this is NOT India.....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Uhm Yeah

I can't deal with a public blog anymore. I like to share and I got all shy out in the public!