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Don't Be Stupid

I was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The holidays were magical with the family. I couldn't really enjoy myself b/c I was having up to 5 asthma attacks a day.

Raise your hand if you forgot to renew your prescription for Advair. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you couldn't locate your rescue inhaler. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you don't have an emergency steroid kit for attacks like this. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you lost all allergy meds. *Shame on me*

My asthma has been so awful that I honestly got scared. I just couldn't get any oxygen. I scared the crap out of my husband. My rescue inhaler wasn't doing shit. I was puffing 5 times a day which is HORRIBLE. I got a steroid shot this morning. I also got a stern lecture from hubby, Dr. Sahib (bro-in-law), mom & my doctor.

New Year's Resolution: Take care of my asthma. I don't want emphysema.