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The Dilemma

The holidays have been magical. Mostly because hubby's been on va-k. He has an obscene amount of va-k while I get 2 sucky weeks. I have little va-k left from my Taipei trip. Anyhow I am relishing in hubby. I get home from work and hubby's home. I get to have dinner with my husband EVERY single night. I go work out or for a hike and hubby comes with me. I go shopping for furniture and hubby's with me. I want a cup of java from Starbucks and hubby accompanies me. This is what it feels like to have a partner? I almost forgot the fun of coupledom. Life is just better with him by my side.

I love my social life. I love having friends. But. But. But. My husband while an extremely reserved person (unlike me!) is an insane.fucking.bowl.of.wild.all-consuming.fun. I sometimes think I make a hectic social calendar so I can avoid missing him. There I said it.

So we talked last night. The problem is his is damn job. INSANE hours. Why must he love his job? Hubby actually loves his [in my opinion] gawd awfully boring job. He could change professions but then he wouldn't be fulfilled. He'd change professions for me. But I would never ask him to. I can't. He loves what he does and that is a damn rare accomplishment.

So I'm stuck. His va-k is up on Sunday night. I wish I could freeze time. I guess I should just be happy for what I've got and I am. I just want more of it. Le Sigh to the millionth degree.