Friday, May 2, 2008

Chugging Along

Pic is not of tubby!!! Just a pic of an ultrasound for 5.5 weeks.

Today was hectic. I thought hubby was going to miss the appointment b/c something popped up at work at 8 am. But he made it with his adorable sleepy green eyes. I was about to poop in my pants from the anticipation of the doctor's appointment. I couldn't stay calm. I couldn't remain positive. I wanted to cry. I expected the worse.

I was so tense and stiff during the ultrasound. Then the doctor said the magical words, "the gestational sac is perfectly smooth and round and I see a yolk sac." I couldn't even believe him. I was astounded. I almost didn't know how to be happy.

I took my HCG trigger shot on April 3rd and so under my calculations I am exactly 5 weeks 7 days or 6 weeks today. According to the size of the gestational sac, the doctor thinks I'm 5 weeks 5 days. And if I really am that far along then the ultrasound picked up everything it should.

My next appointment is on Monday, May 12th. I will be either 7 weeks 3 days (my calculation) or 7 weeks 1 day (based on today's ultrasound). At that point the ultrasound should pick up the fetal pole and a heart beat.

I'm disappointed though.. I really wanted to see the fetal pole and a heartbeat. I don't know how to be positive about this pregnancy. I'm going to try talking to my baby and hopefully that will help.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


LL said...

Yay! I'm so glad! I was out all day yesterday and kept thinking that if I was home I'd be checking your blog!

I'm glad everything continues to go smoothly.

ZenDenizen said...

Thinking of you!

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...