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Chugging Along

Pic is not of tubby!!! Just a pic of an ultrasound for 5.5 weeks.

Today was hectic. I thought hubby was going to miss the appointment b/c something popped up at work at 8 am. But he made it with his adorable sleepy green eyes. I was about to poop in my pants from the anticipation of the doctor's appointment. I couldn't stay calm. I couldn't remain positive. I wanted to cry. I expected the worse.

I was so tense and stiff during the ultrasound. Then the doctor said the magical words, "the gestational sac is perfectly smooth and round and I see a yolk sac." I couldn't even believe him. I was astounded. I almost didn't know how to be happy.

I took my HCG trigger shot on April 3rd and so under my calculations I am exactly 5 weeks 7 days or 6 weeks today. According to the size of the gestational sac, the doctor thinks I'm 5 weeks 5 days. And if I really am that far along then the ultrasound picked up everything it should.

My next appointment is on Monday, May 12th. I will be either 7 weeks 3 days (my calculation) or 7 weeks 1 day (based on today's ultrasound). At that point the ultrasound should pick up the fetal pole and a heart beat.

I'm disappointed though.. I really wanted to see the fetal pole and a heartbeat. I don't know how to be positive about this pregnancy. I'm going to try talking to my baby and hopefully that will help.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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Yay! I'm so glad! I was out all day yesterday and kept thinking that if I was home I'd be checking your blog!

I'm glad everything continues to go smoothly.

Thinking of you!

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