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I'm Feeling Emo

And that is reason enough to not blog.  Nothing is wrong.  I have all these thoughts floating through my head -- they collide into one another and some just vanish after making an appearance.  Maybe it's because my youngest is turning one years old next month.  Maybe it's because so many of the things we dreamed of happening just did.  Or maybe it's just because I need to start meditating and make it a daily practice.  Le sigh, even writing this blog post I know why I'm feeling emo, it's time to meditate.  Why is that so daunting???

Even in this hectic state of mind, the signs are clear -- slow down, breathe and sit still.  Yesterday I was wiped out with violent vomiting from some crazy bug. I know it's time to go inwards and connect with the universal life force.  So I'm committing to a challenge of 15 minute meditation for 30 days (yes, I'm procrastinating and this commitment starts tomorrow and not at 11:58 pm).  Why 15 minutes? For some reason I keep coming across this website -- maybe it's a sign?
